V1.5.1 Std

Uses of Class

Packages that use MethodTrans
org.rcsb.openmms.meta Provides classes and interfaces that create and manipulate a macromolecular structure metamodel based on the mmCIF dictionary. 

Uses of MethodTrans in org.rcsb.openmms.meta

Subclasses of MethodTrans in org.rcsb.openmms.meta
 class GetListMethodTrans
          Class for used for representing the "get-method" on list of mmCIF structures

Methods in org.rcsb.openmms.meta with parameters of type MethodTrans
 void IdlWriter.openMethod(MethodTrans mt)
 void TransVisitor.openMethod(MethodTrans mt)
 void TransVisitor.closeMethod(MethodTrans mt)

V1.5.1 Std

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