V1.5.1 Std

Uses of Interface

Packages that use TypeNamesSql
org.rcsb.openmms.apps.rdb Provides classes that implement PDBase, an application which loads macromolecular structure data files into a relational database. 
org.rcsb.openmms.dbinsert Provides classes for generating the low-level JDBC calls necessary to insert the MMS Entry data structure fields into a relational database. 
org.rcsb.openmms.entry A collection of classes that provide concrete implementations of Entry objects in the Corba modules and submodules and manage the Entry level MMS cache. 
org.rcsb.openmms.meta Provides classes and interfaces that create and manipulate a macromolecular structure metamodel based on the mmCIF dictionary. 
org.rcsb.openmms.util Provides utility classes required by the MMS metamodel, category loaders and various data format expressions. 

Uses of TypeNamesSql in org.rcsb.openmms.apps.rdb

Classes in org.rcsb.openmms.apps.rdb that implement TypeNamesSql
 class DBLoader
          Database loader class that performs load and delete Entry operations.
 class InsertEntryFinal
          Final subclass of InsertEntry with Entry Table create and delete methods.
 class PanelSet
          Java Swing top-level panel with a constructor for creating sub-panels.

Uses of TypeNamesSql in org.rcsb.openmms.dbinsert

Classes in org.rcsb.openmms.dbinsert that implement TypeNamesSql
 class InsertEntry
          Class to create the JDBC needed to insert data from the Entry data structures into a relational database.
 class SelectCategory
          Class to create the JDBC code needed to select data from the relational database and store it in the Entry data structures.

Uses of TypeNamesSql in org.rcsb.openmms.entry

Classes in org.rcsb.openmms.entry that implement TypeNamesSql
 class RDBEntryFoundry
          Implements the EntryFactory for the MMS Corba reference server.
 class SelectCategoryFinal
          Base Class containing utility functions for the Relational Database Entry JDBC insertion code.

Uses of TypeNamesSql in org.rcsb.openmms.meta

Classes in org.rcsb.openmms.meta that implement TypeNamesSql
 class InitSqlWriter
          Visitor class to traverse the metamodel and generate the code to initialize the RDB tables.
 class InsertWriter
          Visitor subclass that writes the java JDBC code for inserting data into the relational database (dbinsert).
 class SelectWriter
          Visitor subclass that writes the java JDBC code for reading data from a relational database into the Entry Data Structures.
 class SqlWriter
          Common Base class for metamodel Visitors that generate SQL code
 class TableWriter
          Visitor class for generate SQL code that creates relation DB tables

Uses of TypeNamesSql in org.rcsb.openmms.util

Classes in org.rcsb.openmms.util that implement TypeNamesSql
 class InsertEntryBase
          Base Class containing utility functions for the Relational Database Entry JDBC insertion code.
 class SelectCategoryBase
          Base Class containing utility functions for the Relational Database Entry JDBC insertion code.

V1.5.1 Std

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