4.22. EXPAND: EXPAND archive atom sites

Authors: Doug du Boulay

Contact: D. du Boulay, Materials and Structures Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta, Midori Ku.

The program EXPAND can be used to expand the list of independent atom sites on the archive bdf (as introduced using ADDATM) to a complete list of all dependent sites in the current symmetry defined unit cell, or even multiple unit cells. This is not a desirable end result of itself, but it is very useful for converting between different symmetries and/or unit cell transformations. When followed by the EXPAND not option, the redundant symmetry related sites are culled from the archive to restore normality.

4.22.1. Calculation Performed

The asymmetric set of atomic sites is read from the input archive bdf. By default, those sites are expanded to include all sites in the unit cell. To avoid duplicate name errors in ADDATM upd mode the atom names are amended with cell translation and symmetry operator strings. This can increase the atom name string length beyond 8 chars, the standard limit in small molecule crystallography. Fortunately Xtal handles up to 24 character atom names, so it is not a problem, though not pleasing aesthetically.

In any case, by following any EXPAND cell n command with a matching EXPAND not, the extraneous atom name appendages are culled in favour of simpler, more compact site names.

EXPAND also transforms the anisotropic temperature factors, but it does not touch the constraint record lrcons:, so it is always necessary to run ADDATM upd to fix any broken atom site constraints after running EXPAND.

4.22.2. File Assignments

4.22.3. Example

EXPAND cell 1