4.35. MAPLST: List map densities

Author: James Hester, Crystallography Centre, University of Western Australia, Nedlands 6907, Australia

MAPLST outputs the electron density values of a "map" file as ACSII text. This output is intended specifically for use with the Mathematica(R) package but is useful for any program requiring the map data as text.

4.35.1. Purpose

MAPLST outputs a FOURR (or SLANT, etc.) map bdf as 80 column text ascii data. The output line file (asc) consists of:

  1. header decriptor line

  2. line containing the 3 integers which are the number of sections (i.e. layers) in the map, the number of rows in a section and the number of density points in a row.

  3. density value for each point as floating point numbers. These are listed continuously and are separated only by blanks.

4.35.2. File Assignments

Reads the map densities from the specified bdf (default is map) Writes the map densities to the line file asc.

4.35.3. Example


Output the map densities from the SLANT map file to asc.