V1.5.1 Std

Package org.rcsb.openmms.apps.xmc

Provides classes to convert macromolecular structure data files stored in mmCIF format into an XML style format (XMC).


Class Summary
CategoryNode Class to represent Category Elements
Cif2Xmc Program to convert mmCIF representation of MMS data to XML format
DtdWriter Visitor subclass for writing XML DTD
EntryNode Class representing the Entry Category in XML translations
ItemNode Class to represent Item Elements
Node Base class for Cif to Xml Translation Structure elements
NodeFactory Create XML model heirarchy
Visitor Model vistor base class
XBuilder Builder subclass for reading the mmCIF datafiles and translating it to XML format.
XmcWriter Visitor subclass from writing XML files
ZeroVisitor Clears old data in CategoryNodes in preparation for translation of the next mmCIF data file

Exception Summary
XmlGenException Signals an error condition in the XML generation

Package org.rcsb.openmms.apps.xmc Description

Provides classes to convert macromolecular structure data files stored in mmCIF format into an XML style format (XMC).

V1.5.1 Std

OpenMMS, Copyright 2001, All rights reserved