V1.5.1 Std

Package org.rcsb.openmms.meta

Provides classes and interfaces that create and manipulate a macromolecular structure metamodel based on the mmCIF dictionary.


Interface Summary
ModuleTypes Contains definitions for the module types used in Entry Implementations and the Foundries.

Class Summary
AllRootTrans Generate Cif metamodel Hierarchary for the entire mmCIF dictionary
CategoryTrans Class to represent "Categories" in Cif metamodel
CatWriter Metamodel visitor that generates the Java code for the category loaders which process the parsed string data in an mmCIF file and place it into a structure specific for that mmCIF category.
CompactRootTrans Generate a DB developement Cif to Idl Translation Hierarchary
ConstantTrans Class for representing IDL constants
DevRootTrans Generate Standard (OMG/LSR-1.0) Cif to Idl Translation Hierarchary
DirectiveTrans Class for creating IDL directives, e.g.
EntryWriter This class writes all the Java code that implements the Entry and "Sub" Entry methods.
ExceptionFieldTrans Class for field values for Exceptions in Cif metamodel
ExceptionTrans Class to represent "Exceptions" in Cif metamodel
FieldTrans Class for "Fields" in Cif Metamodel
FileTrans Class representing "Files" in Cif metamodel.
GenAccessMethods Generates the "list" accessor methods for a Corba interface.
GenCifParents Traverses the metamodel and fills in the parent node links.
GenConstants Generates and IDL Constants required in the metamodel
GenDictionary Generate a list of the Dictionary Categories and Items that are required by the field definitions specified.
GetListMethodTrans Class for used for representing the "get-method" on list of mmCIF structures
IdlWriter Traverse metamodel instance and generate CORBA IDL specification
InitSqlWriter Visitor class to traverse the metamodel and generate the code to initialize the RDB tables.
InsertWriter Visitor subclass that writes the java JDBC code for inserting data into the relational database (dbinsert).
InterfaceTrans Class to represent "Interfaces" in Cif metamodel
LinkWriter Create a table that contains all the bindings between a category name and the category data loader
ListTrans Class for representing "Lists" i.e. sequences of mmCIF structures
LsrRootTrans Generate Standard (OMG LSR/1.0) Cif to Idl Translation Hierarchary
MatrixTrans Class for Matrices in Cif metamodel
MethodTrans Class for "Methods" in Cif to Idl Translation
MMSExpr Generate Macromolecular Structure Expressions The following command line options are recognized my MMSExpr: debug=debug_level Set error and status reporting message level
    debug <= 0 no messages
    debug == 1 basic status messages
    debug >= 5 trace Corba If present on the command line, Corba IDL definitions are generated.
ModelDtdWriter TransVisitor subclass for writing XML DTD
ModuleTrans Class for "Modules" in Cif to Idl Translation
RootTrans Class for the "Root" of the mmCIF translation metamodel
SelectWriter Visitor subclass that writes the java JDBC code for reading data from a relational database into the Entry Data Structures.
SequenceTrans Class for representing sequences (arrays) in the metamodel
SqlWriter Common Base class for metamodel Visitors that generate SQL code
StdRootTrans Generate a DB developement Cif to Idl Translation Hierarchary
StringStruct StringStruct can be used to create a tree of string buffers where new text can be dynamicly added to any buffer in the the tree.
StructureTrans Class for representing "Structures" in Cif metamodel
SubfieldTrans Class for representing "Sub-Fields" of a Struct-type field
TableWriter Visitor class for generate SQL code that creates relation DB tables
TestRootTrans Generate a small "toy" Cif metamodel Translation Hierarchary for development and testing purposes.
Trans Base class for Cif metamodel Translation elements
TransVisitor Base class TransVisitor or "Transformation Visitor".
TypeDefTrans Class for creating IDL typedefs
ValuetypeTrans Class for "Valuetypes" in Cif metamodel
VectorTrans Class for Vectors in Cif to Idl Translation
VImplWriter Generates the initialization code for IDL generated valuetypes

Exception Summary
TransGenException Signals an error in the metamodel translation

Package org.rcsb.openmms.meta Description

Provides classes and interfaces that create and manipulate a macromolecular structure metamodel based on the mmCIF dictionary.

V1.5.1 Std

OpenMMS, Copyright 2001, All rights reserved