3.9. BONDLA: Bond lengths and angles

atradatomic radii by atom type
addpekadd peak site to atom list from pek file
bondcalculate a specific bond distance
anglecalculate a specific bond angle
dihedcalculate a specific dihedral angle
nvironcalculate distances to a specific atom site
siteenter temporary atom sites needed for geometry

BONDLAOptionCodeArg Def
 bond distances bond  list all bond distances 
   nbon  no bond distances 
 bond angles angl  list all bond angles 
   nang  no angles 
 contact distances ncon  no contact distances 
   cont  list all contact distances 
 dihedral angles ndih  no dihedral angles 
   dihe  list all dihedral angles 
 bond check chek  for Acta Cryst CIF bond checking 
 sort bond & contact distances nsor  do not sort distances 
   sort  sort distances 
 optimally connect input sites clus  recluster input sites 
   nclu  use input sites 
 use full symmetry to searches symm  apply full symmetry 
   nsym  no symmetry 
 do not output geom data to bdf nbdf   output tobdf
 use brackets in pch output file brac   no brackets
 number of cells searched cell n 1 for 1 unit cell3
    2 for 27 cells 
    3 for 125 cells 

atrad1atom-type symbol to which the radii apply(max 8 chars) 
 2maximum radius to be used in identifying contacts1.25
 3maximum radius to be used in identifying bonds0.9
 4minimum radius to be used in identifying bonds0.015

addpek1atom-type symbol assigned to selected peak sites (max 8 chars) 
 2number of peaks assigned to atom-type1
 3maximum radius to be used in identifying contacts1.25
 4maximum radius to be used in identifying bonds0.9
 5minimum radius to be used in identifying bonds0.015
 6thermal displacement parameter assigned to output site0.035

bond1-2atom labels of sites 1 and 2 (max 24 chars) 
 3-4numbers [a] of symops applied to sites 1 and 21
 5-6codes of cell translations applied to sites 1 and 2555
a. Symmetry matrix number as entered into STARTX.

angle1-3atom labels of sites 1, 2 and 3 (max 24 chars) 
 4-6numbers [a] of symops applied to sites 1, 2 and 31
 7-9codes of cell translations applied to sites 1, 2 and 3555
a. Symmetry matrix number as entered into STARTX.

dihed1-4atom labels of sites 1, 2, 3 and 4 (max 24 chars) 
 5-8numbers [a] of symops applied to sites 1, 2, 3 and 41
 9-12codes of cell translations applied to sites 1, 2, 3 and 4555
a. Symmetry matrix number as entered into STARTX.

nviron1atom label of central site (max 24 chars) 
 2number [a] of symop applied to sites1
 3code of cell translations applied to site555
 4radius of sphere to be searched for other sites3
a. Symmetry matrix number as entered into STARTX.

site1atom label of site [a] (max 24 chars) 
 2-4fractional coordinates x, y, z 
 7-9x, y, z0.0
a. If label matches site on the bdf, these coordinates will be substituted for the calculation. Otherwise a new site will be added to the atom list. This site will not be added to the bdf.