3.44. PATSEE: Search for molecular fragment

FRAGdefinition of molecular fragment
siteatom sites in molecular fragment
zmatrixgeometry description matrix
rotaterotational search parameters
transltranslational search parameters
tripletriple relationship parameters
shiftshift coordinates of following atom sites
spinrotate coordinates of following atom sites about Cartesian axes
twisttwist following atom sites about connected atom site

PATSEEOptionCodeArg Def
 do not list bond distances and angles of fragments ngeom    

FRAG1Use cartesian coordinates on site lines. cart   
 1-3cell lengths in Å a, b, c [a]   
 4-6cell angles in degrees , , [a]   
 1-labels of atoms to be extracted from lratom: of the input bdf   
 1five membered ring pent   
  benzene planar conformation benz   
  benzene boat conformation boat   
  benzene chair conformation chair   
a. These are applied to the fractional coordinates of the atom sites that follow and must be entered if the cell differs from that on the bdf.

site1atom label 
 2-4coordinates [a] x, y, z 
 5relative site weight in search (max 1, min 0)1
a. Assumed fractional unless the preceding frag line contains the Cartesian code.

zmatrix1n1 sequence number 
 2atom label 
 3n2 sequence number 
 4distance to atom n1 
 5n3 sequence number 
 6n3-n2-n1 angle 
 5n4 sequence number 
 6n1-n2-n3 n2-n3-n4 torsion angle 

rotateOption CodeArg Def
 number of rotations applied ntry n  auto
 number of solutions saved nsol s  5
 intra-mol. vector angle resolution vres a  10°
 intra-mol. vector d min/max vlim q p q  2. 6.A
 intra-mol. vectors for Rfom (ratio) vfom f  0.5
 intra-mol. vectors for pretest (ratio) vtes r  0.1
 Rfom acceptance threshold fomt t  0.4
 number of refinement searches nref m  1000
 random rotation start value nran r  5431
 rotation start positions about a b c seta a b c  0° 0° 0°
 rotation range about a b c setr a b c  auto
 list all intra-molecular vectors vlis   no
 signal mirror in fragment mirr   no

translOption CodeArg Def
 number of translations applied ntry n  auto
 number of solutions saved nsol s  5
 inter-mol. vector d minimum vmin d  3.4 A
 inter-mol. vector shift resolution vres q  0.25 A
 Tfom acceptance threshold fomt t  0.3
 t3sum acceptance threshold tprt f  0.3
 translation origin as x/a y/b z/c [a] sets x y z  0 0 0
 translation range as x/a y/b z/c [a] setr x y z  auto
 list triplets used in t3sum tlis   no
 exclude use of t3sum refinement nots   include
 random translation start value nran r  5431
a. Six values may be entered; three for the rotation/translation fragment and optionally three for the translation-only fragment.

tripleOptionCodeArg Def
 minimum E value used emin e  auto
 minimum A of any triple amin a  auto
 max number of E's used nume n  100
 max number of triples used numt m  100

shift [a]1-9rotation matrix elements r11,r21, r31, ... , r33 
 10-12translation vector t1, t2, t3 
a. The shift transformation matrix is applied to all atom sites in the next input fragment.

spin [a]1-3rotation angles (in degrees) about the Cartesian axes x, y, z 
a. A positive value is an anticlockwise rotation as the axis comes towards you. The spin angles are applied to all atom sites in the next input fragment.

twistOption CodeArg Def
 minimum torsion angle (deg.) tmin a  0
 maximum torsion angle (deg.) tmax b  355
 increment torsion angle (deg.) tinc c  5
 torsion angle test method test i  1