3.47. PLOTX: Interface to graphics devices

paramsplot parameters
colorplot colours
framesindicates which frames are to be plotted

PLOTX1graphical output options [a]    
  screen display using X11 x11lib    
  output A3 HPGL plot hpgl  create .hp file [b] 
  output A4 HPGL plot hpgla4  create .hp file [b] 
  output landscape PostScript file postl  create .ps file  
  output portrait PostScript file postp  create .ps file  
  color landscape PostScript file postlc  create .ps file  
  color portrait PostScript file postpc  create .ps file  
  color landscape XFIG file xfigl  create .fig file  
  color portrait XFIG file xfigp  create .fig file  
  output plot as Mathematica file matl  create .mat file  
  screen display for os2 os2pm    
 2input plot file extension    
  generated by ORTEP ort    
  generated by ABSORB abs    
  generated by NEWMAN nwm    
  generated by CONTRS con    
  generated by PREVUE pre    
  generated by GIP gip    
  generated by POWGEN ppp    
 3 -do not blank label backgrounds nblk    
  use for pre xtal3.6 plot (.pre etc) files old    
  retrace outline of filled curves ret    
  set postscript paper size A3    
  set postscript paper size A4    
  set postscript paper size A5    
  set postscript paper size US letter let    
  set postscript paper size US legal leg    
  set postscript paper size US executive exe    
  print to a specific path/filename [c] file path 256 chars maximum 
a. default filenames can be overridden with the file path option
b. If the ouput device is a pen plotter then a frames line may be needed.
c. Overrides the default extension. Should be used as the final option on the PLOTX command line as the filename may contain embedded white space as well as directory/file-system indicators.

params1x output plot dimension1 defined at implementation 
 2y output plot dimension1 defined at implementation 
 3plot scale (input to output) automatic scaling 
 4x plot centre (input units) automatic centring 
 5y plot centre (input units) automatic centring 
 6plot border lines no 
  yes plot a border bord   
 7plot resolution [a] defined at implementation 
a. The units of these parameters will depend on device and the method of installation. For example, if the plot dimensions are in inches, the plot resolution will be the smallest distance that can be resolved for this device in inches.

color [a]colour/line style option followed by colour/line style indices    
 atom type colours; do not fill atoms or bonds nofill n1...n10   
 atom type colours; fill atoms or bonds fill n1...n10   
 atom type shades; fill atoms or bonds with black and shading instead of colour: 1, hollow; 2, solid; 3,pattern; 4, horizontal hatch; 5, vertical hatch; 6, horizontal and verticalhatch; 7, lower-left to upper-right hatch; 8, upper-left to lower-right hatch;9, lower-left to upper-right and upper-left to lower-right hatch shade n1...n10   
 atom outline line styles;draw atom lines in black and white lines with the following styles: 1, solid;2, dashed; 3, dotted; 4, dashed-dotted; 5, double atlin n1...n10   
 bond colour bond m   
 character colour char m   
 number colour numb m   
 contour colours contur n1...n5   
 one-colour plot nocol    
a. the default colour indices are as follows:
nofill/fill/shade 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5
atlin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
bond 1 char 2 numb 3
contur 2 3 4 5 6

frames[a]1-frame sequence numbers to be displayed 
a. Frame numbers start at 1 and must be entered in increasing order. For example, the first contour map output by CONTRS will be frame 1 and so on. If the frames line is not entered all frames will be displayed. If a frames line is entered only the specified frames will be displayed.