3.3. ADDATM : Load atom parameters

scaleset Frel scale factors
extincset extinction factors
uovset overall isotropic temperature factor
shiftdisplace coordinates by shift and/or reversal
invertinvert x, y, z coordinates
xabsxabs parameter for CRYLSQ
grafenter orientation matrix for ORTEP
grid[a]set Fourier grid divisions for atomg lines
stacksort sites in the atom list
renamerename atom labels in the atom list
deletedelete sites from the atom list
edituchange the U values for an atom or atoms
atomatom parameters, fractional coordinates
atomgatom parameters, grid coordinates
u[b]isotropic thermal displacement parameter Uand U
uij[b]anisotropic thermal displacement parameters Uij
suij[b]'s of anisotropicthermal displacement parameters Uij
link[b]calculation method (if used)
a. If entered, must follow an atom or atomg line with the same atom label.
b. Must precede any atomg lines entered.

 update atom list upd  add or alter atom list 
 specify dataset dset n  1
 temperature factor mixed  mixed iso. and aniso. 
   iso  indiv. isotropic, all atoms 
   aniso  indiv. anisotropic, all atoms 
   overall  overall isotropic, all atoms 
 check, print parameters print  yes, check constraints 
   noprint  no 
 lratom: H atom linkage plink  purge existing from archive 

invert signal to invert x, y, z coordinates to change enantiomorph polarity 

scale1Frel scale factor 
 2scale group [a]1
a. Only those scale groups may be entered that have been recorded for reflections in a prior ADDREF run.

extinc1extinction correction method zach Zachariasen 
    typ1 Becker-Coppens, type I 
    typ2 Becker-Coppens, type II 
    gen Becker-Coppens, type I and II 
 2extinction type is isotropic 
    an anisotropic (not implemented) 
 3mosaic distribution gaus Gaussian distribution 
    lore Lorentzian distribution 
 4isotropic extinction parameter (zach or typ1) (g)0
 5isotropic extinction parameter (typ2 or gen) ()0
 6mean value of T in mm Xray0.3

uov1overall isotropic displacement parameter U0.035

shift1-3translational shift of fractionalcoordinates x, y, z0.0
 4-6multiplier of fractionalcoordinates x, y, z1.0

xabs1Flack absolute configuration parameter for CRYLSQ0.5

graf1-9orientation matrix for ORTEP (see PIG for definition) 

grid[a]1-3grid division along crystal axes a, b, c 
a. This line is used to set divisions for atomg lines.

stack1-atom label or atom-type symbol 

rename1old atom label for existing site 1 
 2new atom label for existing site 1 
 3-4old/new atom labels for existing site 2 

delete1-atom label or atom-type symbol 

editu1atom label or atom-type symbol or the code all  
 2new Uiso value 
  or iso to convert from anisotropic to isotropic 
  or ani to convert from isotropic to anisotropic 

atom1atom label 
 2-4fractional coordinates x, y, z 
 5isotropic displacement parameter U0.035
 6population parameter1
 7-9's of x, y, z0
 10 of isotropic displacement parameter U0
 11 of population parameter0

u1atom label 

uij1atom label 
 2-7U11, U22, U33,U12, U13, U23 

suij1atom label 
 2-7U11,U22, U33,U12, U13,U230

atomg[a] The atomg line is identical to the atom line except x, y, z are in grid coordinates. 
a. The atomg line must be preceded by a grid line.

link [a]1atom label    
 2calculation typeCodeNMAngles
    linear 211 = 0° or 180°
    trigon 31 
    tetchn 32 
    teterm 331
    genral 3112
    methyn 41 
    trterm 32 
    median 41 
 3bond distance in Å    
 4...3+N+Mlabels of atoms used in the generation, followed by atom labels of generated atoms    
 ..angles 12    
a. Atom labels must match identically those in the bdf. The number of fields required depends on the calculation. The first N fields will be used for the generators and the next M fields will be used for the generated atoms. The final angle fields will be used only for the specified generation type. The parent atom of atoms built in this method should be related to the archive sites only by the identity symmetry operation. Auxilliary geometry specifying sites may however be symmetry related to the archive sites. In this case the symmetry operation required should be indicated as a variation on the the integral number n555 (where 1555 refers to the identity symop with no translations). link lines are only required for riding model least squares refinement in CRILSQ and should be automatically added for new H atoms built using PIG or BONDAT