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(82) BNF; magic string; extension to mmCIF

  • To: COMCIFS@iucr
  • Subject: (82) BNF; magic string; extension to mmCIF
Dear Colleagues

Thanks to everyone who responded directly to David Brown regarding the vote
on the revised terms of reference for COMCIFS. I'm sorry that it is taking
me so long to pick up all the threads and unfinished business from my
unexpected trip away during late February.

This time I have a couple of queries from Peter Murray-Rust (PMR>) and
a request for technical approval of a set of data items to extend the
mmCIF dictionary.

D82.1 BNF description of STAR/CIF/dictionary CIF format
PMR> Is there a definitive statement in precise terms (e.g. in BNF) of (a)
PMR> CIF (b) 'dictionary-enhanced CIF' (i.e. CIF-with-save-frames)? Although
PMR> there is prose describing CIF there are places where it is not clear. For
PMR> people coming from outside the Crystallographic community there has to be
PMR> a precise definition of the language.
PMR> If there *is* a BNF or equivalent, could it please be mounted on iucr.org?

The "Backus-Naur Form" is a formal description of the syntax of a computer
language. Nick Spadaccini and Peter Keller worked some time ago on a STAR
BNF, and I append the last version of their work below. Members are welcome
to review and criticise the proposal if they so desire. If there are no
objections, I would like to post this version on the CIF web page. I trust
that it (or a revised version) will also find its way into International
tables Vol. G. I invite a proposal for a CIF form, and also for the data
dictionary format (question from a computer science viewpoint - are one or
two different BNF specifications required for DDL1 and DDL2 dictionaries?
The DDL1 dictionaries conform fully to the CIF syntax; DDL2 dictionaries
also permit save frames).

(Extracts from correspondence Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 12:10:17
From: Peter Keller <bsspak@bath.ac.uk>
To: Brian McMahon <bm@iucr.ac.uk>, Nick Spadaccini <nick@sdsc.edu>,
        Sydney Hall <syd@crystal.uwa.edu.au>)

               A third attempt at a specification for STAR

Why do CIF programmers need to know about STAR? I'm not a great expert on
database theory, but I don't think that anyone would contradict me in
saying that there are three broad aspects to using any datafile
format. They are:

1) Lexical considerations: what arrangements of bytes (characters) are
allowed, how they are grouped into tokens (words), and how those tokens are
classified into various types.

2) Syntax or grammar: the function which each type of token has, the order
in which tokens can follow each other, and how they are grouped into larger

3) Semantics: the interpretation of the data, what it means, manipulation
of the information which it expresses.

For example, a sequence of non-space characters which begins with an
underscore is a token of type 'data name' [lexical analysis]. It identifies
a data value (which is another type of token), and must either be followed
by a single data value, or appear in the header of a loop structure
[syntactical analysis]. The semantics involve recognising the data name
itself, in order to attach a meaning to the data value which it identifies.

Now, for CIF's, STAR specifies all of the lexical and syntactical aspects,
as well as a very few of the semantics. (The bulk of the semantical aspects
of CIF are dealt with by DDL's and dictionaries). This means that any CIF
file must be a valid STAR file, which means, in turn, that CIF programmers
must be aware of the whole of the STAR syntax, not just the parts which are
used by CIF. For example, in STAR, a framecode is a sequence of non-blank
characters, the first of which is a '$'. Even though framecodes are not
used in CIF's, it is still necessary to be aware of them, to avoid trying
to start a non quoted text string with a '$'.

The most recent published specification of the STAR syntax appears in "The
STAR File: Detailed Specifications" (S.R.Hall and N.Spadaccini, J. Chem.
Inf. Comput. Sci, 34, p505-508 (1994) ). This paper was itself intended to
improve the precision of an earlier specification; however, code based on
the newer specification still cannot be relied on to parse STAR files
accurately without making certain assumptions during lexical analysis.
Also, there were a number of typographical errors and omissions.

Hopefully, this specification will be useful to programmers writing their
own lexers and parsers directly. It is also intended to be easily
convertible to a working parser using code generators such as yacc/lex,
bison/flex, PCCTS, PRECCX, etc., with a minimum of interpretation required
from the programmer. It seeks to consolidate existing practice, and to
prevent ambiguities arising in the future. It is not intended to extend the

N.B. This syntax should be read in conjunction with the JCICS paper.

A few notes on the table:

1). A standard set of symbols is used in this table. They are:

* means "zero or more"
+ means "at least one"
{....} groups a number of terms together.
[....] means "optional" (in a syntactic sense only - it does not mean
                         that inserting or removing the item has no 
                         effect on the data representation being expressed.)
| means "or"
::= means "is defined to be"
<...> is a syntactic or lexical construction. If it appears on the
right hand side of a definition, the definition of that term is subtituted in.

2). Items whose names are in UPPER CASE on the left-hand side of the
definitions below, are those which would conventionally be considered as
tokens during lexical analysis. This is only intended as a guide - in
particular, tokens which can be of arbitrary length, may need to be
processed in smaller portions in a particular implementation. For CIF's,
this is only a consideration for the <semi_colon_bounded_text_string> type
- all others are limited in size by the 80 characters to a line rule.

3). Comments. There are two possible ways of treating comments. The
characters from the initial '#' to the last character on the line
(inclusive) can simply be thrown away during lexical analysis. In this
case, all the <comment>* constructions can be dropped from the definition
below. (This is the treatment implied by the 1994 JCICS paper.)

However, an application may carry out an operation on the information
contained within a CIF (as opposed to the data structures themselves),
generating a new CIF in the process. In such a case, it will normally be
useful to retain comments in their original places in the output file, as
far as possible. For this purpose, the comment specifications below can be
used. The approach taken is that a comment is defined to be a token
type. The file can start with an arbitrary number of comments, and each
non-comment token can be followed by an arbitrary number of comments.

4). Whitespace. This is a potential minefield for precise definition,
since which whitespace characters are allowed at particular places in a
STAR file (or indeed any text file or stream) is system and protocol
dependent. Getting to grips with the implications of the BNF table is
hard work, so the rules are summarised here.

Basically, six whitespace characters are permitted, all of which
may separate tokens (in the sense of note 2 above, and the upper case
definitions in the table below):

    ht  (ASCII 9)
    lf  (ASCII 10)
    vt  (ASCII 11)
    ff  (ASCII 12)
    cr  (ASCII 13)
    ' ' (ASCII 32)

Of these, vt and ff may only appear between tokens, not within them. ht and
' ' (i.e. <blank>) are allowed within quoted strings, comments and
semi-colon bounded strings. The latter will contain <newline>'s as well.

ff (but not vt) is taken to imply a new line, and so can introduce a
semi-colon bounded text string and terminate a comment (and also delimit
lines for the purposes of lines in a CIF being no more than 80

<newline> subsumes cr and lf, but this does not imply that either or both
are appropriate in any particular context. Some specific possibilities are:

    Unix        <newline> :== <lf>
    MacOS       <newline> :== <cr>
    MS-DOS      <newline> :== <cr><lf>   (raw file/fopen etc. in binary mode)
    MS-DOS      <newline> :== '\n'       (fopen etc. in text mode) 
*   ASCII FTP   <newline> :== <cr><lf>   (RFC959) 
*   Gopher      <newline> :== <cr><lf>   (RFC1436)
*   HTTP        <newline> :== [<cr>]<lf> (strictly <cr><lf>, but the
recommendation for tolerant http clients and servers states that: "Lines
should be regarded as terminated by the Line Feed, and the preceeding
Carriage Return character ignored."
section 2.2 and Appendix B).

* For ftp, gopher and http, think of a network client parsing a STAR
information stream directly from a server's port.

Other environments may require extension of this picture - as a programmer,
you have to be familiar with your own development enviromnent.

Note that tokens must be separated by at least one whitespace character.
In particular, it means that constructions such as the following are not
allowed, even though they are, in principle, interpretable:

; a bit of
;_data.item_2 .....

There must be at least one whitespace character after the second semi-colon

5). Quoted text strings. These are defined so that a quote of the same
type as that which encloses a string, can also appear in the middle of
that string, as long as it is followed by a non-blank character. For
example, in: 

  _data.item   'Peter's example'

the middle quote does not close the text string, because it is not followed
by the whitespace character which is necessary to separate tokens. It is
the third quote which fulfills that function. 

Note, though, that the DDL version 2.x, and mmCIF, restrict the characters
which may appear in data items (check the contents of the ITEM_TYPE_LIST
category in the dictionary). The above example only became legal in a
macromolecular CIF at version 0.7.28 of mmCIF (1995-10-6), and then only
for certain types of data.

6). Non-quoted text string. This complicated-looking construction is
intended to distinguish between a semi-colon appearing in column 1, or
elsewhere on the line:


would be the first line of a <semi_colon_bounded_text_string>, and


is a <non_quoted_text_string> . 

Also, a <non_quoted_text_string> is now explicitly prevented from starting
with a quote, so it is illegal at the lexical level for an opening quote to
appear without a corresponding closing quote on the same line.

7). During lexical analysis, tokens which begin with a fixed sequence of
more than one character must be checked for first. (These are
<global_heading>, <data_heading>, <save_heading>, and the fixed tokens
"loop_", "save_" and "stop_" ). Other token types can now be determined
just from the whitespace character preceding the token (the 'leading
context') and the first character of the token itself.

Note that of these tokens, only <data_heading> and "loop_" can appear in a
CIF. (CIF dictionaries are not themselves CIF data files, so they may
contain any of these tokens.)  However, this does not mean that it is
unnecessary for a CIF application to check for the other tokens, since they
still have meaning at the STAR level. If you want to assign the sequence of
characters (s, t, o, p, _) to a data name in a CIF, you have to quote it:

   _data.item     'stop_'

otherwise the CIF will not be a legal STAR file (or, at the very least,
will not mean what you want it to mean). 

8). Loops. It is a requirement of STAR that a loop structure must have
complete loop packets, i.e. the number of data values in a nested loop
which are assigned to a particular <data_loop_definition> at its
particular level of nesting, must be an integral multiple of the number of
<data_name>'s in that <data_loop_definition>. 

CIF's don't allow nested loops, so this condition can be expressed in a
simpler way: the number of data values in a loop structure must be an
integral multiple of the number of data names in the loop header. This
sounds obvious, but it is very difficult to express in a table such as the
one below, so it is re-stated here.

<star_file>                 ::= <comment>* {<data_block> | <global_block>}*

<data_block>                ::= <data_heading> <comment>* <data_block_body>*

<global_block>              ::= <global_heading> <comment>* <data_block_body>+

<GLOBAL_HEADING>            ::= global_ 

<data_block_body>           ::= {<data> | <save_frame>}+

<data>                      ::= <data_name> <comment>* <data_value> <comment>* 
                             | <data_loop>

<save_frame>             ::= <save_heading> <comment>* <data>* save_ <comment>*

<data_loop>              ::= loop_ <comment>* <data_loop_definition> 

<data_loop_defintion>       ::= <data_loop_field>+

<data_loop_field>           ::= { <data_name> | <nested_loop> } <comment>*

<nested_loop>               ::= loop_ <comment>* <data_loop_definition> [stop_]

<data_loop_values>          ::= <data_loop_item>+

<data_loop_item>            ::= { <data_value> | stop_ } <comment>*

<data_value>                ::= <non_quoted_text_string>
                              |  <double_quoted_text_string>
                              |  <single_quoted_text_string>
                              |  <semi_colon_bounded_text_string>
                              |  <frame_code>

<DATA_HEADING>              ::= data_ <non_blank_char>+

<DATA_NAME>                 ::= _ <non_blank_char>+

<SAVE_HEADING>              ::= save_ <non_blank_char>+

<NON_QUOTED_TEXT_STRING>    ::= { { <line_begin><ordinary_char> }
                            | {<line_space> {<ordinary_char>|<semi_colon>} } }

<DOUBLE_QUOTED_TEXT_STRING> ::= <D_quote> <D_quote_string> <D_quote>

<D_quote_string>            ::= {<D_quote> <non_blank_char> | 

<SINGLE_QUOTED_TEXT_STRING> ::= <S_quote> <S_quote_string> <S_quote>

<S_quote_string>            ::= {<S_quote> <non_blank_char> | 

                           ::= <line_begin><semi_colon> <char>* <newline>

<FRAME_CODE>                ::= $<non_blank_char>+

<COMMENT>               ::= { <line_space> | <line_begin> } #<char>* <line_begin>

<line_begin>            ::= beginning of a new line of input (i.e. leading 
                             { <newline> | <form_feed> }  )

<blank>                     ::= space (ASCII 32)
                              |  horizontal tab (ASCII 9)

<line_space>                ::= end of leading, or start of trailing
                                {<blank> | <vert_tab>}

<non_blank_char>            ::= ! shriek -> ~ tilde (ASCII 33-126)

<char>                      ::= <blank>
                              |  <non_blank_char>

<line_of_text>              ::=  [ <not_a_semi_colon><char>* ] <newline>

<newline>                   ::=  End of line character(s) as defined by 
                                 operating system, file structure and system 

<form_feed>                 ::= ff (ASCII 12)

<vert_tab>                  ::= vt (ASCII 11)

<D_quote>                   ::= " (ASCII 34)

<S_quote>                   ::= ' (ASCII 39)

<not_a_D_quote>             ::= ! shriek (ASCII 33)
                              |  # sharp -> ~ tilde (ASCII 35-126)
                              |  <blank>

<not_a_S_quote>             ::= ! shriek -> & ampersand (ASCII 33-38)
                              |  ( left bracket -> ~ tilde (ASCII 40-126)
                              |  <blank>

<ordinary_char>            ::= ! shriek (ASCII 33)
                              |  % percent (ASCII 37)
                              |  & ampersand (ASCII 38)
                              |  ( left bracket -> : colon (ASCII 40-58)
                              |  < less than -> ^ caret (ASCII 60-94)
                              |  ` backquote -> ~ tilde (ASCII 96-126)

<not_a_semi_colon>         ::= ! shriek -> : colon (ASCII 33-58)
                             | < less than -> ~ tilde (ASCII 60-126)
                             | <blank>

<semi_colon>                ::= ; semicolon (ASCII 59)


D89.2 "Magic number" to identify CIF format internally
PMR> Since dictionaries and data instances have different syntax it is
PMR> important that the files have some internal means of identifying their
PMR> type. [More generally perhaps CIF files should have a magic string at the
PMR> top to indicate what their type is? e.g. 
PMR> #CIF DDL1.0 Crystallographic Information File (iucr.org)]
PMR> Data will be increasingly be delivered by servers as streams (i.e. without
PMR> suffixes, although hopefully with chemical/MIME stamps :-). For example,
PMR> what does: 
PMR>         http://www.pdb.bnl.gov/pdb-cgi/send-cif?foo
PMR> send - a dictionary or an instance? The author of client-side software
PMR> will need to know what is apparently sent so they can check on integrity.

Note the decision by the imgCIF/CBF community to use the magic string 


at the start of a crystallographic binary file.

D89.3 Request for technical approval of extension to mmCIF dictionary
The following request has been submitted by the mmCIF dictionary management
group. Note their proposal to release these data items to the community for
content review on April 15. Absence of comment by a COMCIFS member by April
15 will be taken as approval of the technical compliance of the submitted
items with the CIF standard.

> In accordance with the time-table established by the executive of the mmCIF
> working group, we are now ready to submit to COMCIFS the data items that
> will constitute the extension of the mmCIF dictionary from Version 1.0 to
> Version 2.0.
> These proposed new data itmes were submitted from the community (in this
> case, from Kim Henrick of EBI), reviewed by the appropriate member(s) of
> the panel of editors of the mmCIF dictionary for content, and then given
> further editorial review by the executive of the mmCIF working group.  It
> is our understanding that the next step in the process is to submit the
> data items to COMCIFS for a quick review of technical compliance with the
> CIF standard, before submitting them for review by the crystallographic
> community.  Following community review and revision, we will submit these
> data items to COMCIFS for formal approval.
> We would like to release them for community review by April 15, and hope
> than the members of COMCIFS will find them technically sound in short
> order so that the process of community review may begin.
> Paula Fitzgerald
> Helen Berman
> John Westbrook

The data items are appended to this circular. I confirm that the file
fragment exhibits no syntax errors under 'vcif'.

Brian McMahon                                             tel: +44 1244 342878
Research and Development Officer                          fax: +44 1244 314888
International Union of Crystallography                  e-mail:  bm@iucr.ac.uk
5 Abbey Square, Chester CH1 2HU, England                         bm@iucr.org
- - - - -

## proposed additional data items in an existing category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick            ##
## Content review by Paula Fitzgerald  ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF ##

;              The highest resolution for the interplanar spacing in the
               reflection data used for the native data set. This is the
               smallest d value.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.d_res_high'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          yes
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_d_res_high'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_units.code              angstroms

;              The lowest resolution for the interplanar spacing in the
               reflection data used for the native data set. This is the
               largest d value.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.d_res_low'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          yes
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_d_res_low'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_units.code              angstroms

;              The mean value of the figure of merit m for all reflections
               phased in the native data set.

                   int P~alpha~ exp(i*alpha) dalpha
               m = --------------------------------
                         int P~alpha~ dalpha

               P~a~ = the probability that phase angle a is correct

               int is taken over the range alpha = 0 to 2 pi.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.fom'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_fom'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              The mean value of the figure of merit m for the acentric
               reflections phased in the native data set.

                   int P~alpha~ exp(i*alpha) dalpha
               m = --------------------------------
                         int P~alpha~ dalpha

               P~a~ = the probability that phase angle a is correct

               int is taken over the range alpha = 0 to 2 pi.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.fom_acentric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_fom_acentric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              The mean value of the figure of merit m for the centric
               reflections phased in the native data set.

                   int P~alpha~ exp(i*alpha) dalpha
               m = --------------------------------
                         int P~alpha~ dalpha

               P~a~ = the probability that phase angle a is correct

               int is taken over the range alpha = 0 to 2 pi.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.fom_centric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_fom_centric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              The total number of reflections phased in the native data set.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.reflns'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_reflns'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

;              The number of acentric reflections phased in the native data
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.reflns_acentric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_reflns_acentric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

;              The number of centric reflections phased in the native data
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.reflns_centric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_reflns_centric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

;              Criterion used to limit the reflections used in the phasing
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR.reflns_criterion'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR.ebi_reflns_criteria'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_type.code               text
    _item_examples.case          '> 4 \s(I)'

## proposed additional data items in an existing category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick            ##
## Content review by Paula Fitzgerald  ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF ##

;              The mean phasing power P for acentric reflections in this

               Phasing power is <FH / Lack_of_closure>.

               P = (----------------------------)^1/2^
                    sum|Fph~obs~ - Fph~calc~|^2^

               Fph~obs~  = the observed structure factor amplitude of this
               Fph~calc~ = the calculated structure factor amplitude of this
               Fh~calc~  = the calculated structure factor amplitude from the
                           heavy atom model

               sum is taken over the specified reflections
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.power_acentric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_power_acentric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              The mean phasing power P for centric reflections in this

               Phasing power is <FH / Lack_of_closure>.

               P = (----------------------------)^1/2^
                    sum|Fph~obs~ - Fph~calc~|^2^

               Fph~obs~  = the observed structure factor amplitude of the
               Fph~calc~ = the calculated structure factor amplitude of the
               Fh~calc~  = the calculated structure factor amplitude from the
                           heavy atom model

               sum is taken over the specified reflections
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.power_centric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_power_centric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Residual factor R~cullis~ for acentric reflections in this

               Cullis R factor is <Lack_of_closure>/<Isomorphous difference>.

               NB:  This is tabulated for acentric and anomalous terms,
                    extending the former definition.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_acentric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_Rcullis_acentric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Residual factor R~cullis~ for anomalous reflections in this

               Cullis R factor is <Lack_of_closure>/<Isomorphous difference>.

               NB:  This is tabulated  for acentric and anomalous terms,
               extending the former definition.
               Anomalous difference is |FPHi(+) - FPHi(-)|.

               Calculated anomalous  difference  is  2  *  FHi"  * sin(PHIx)
               where PHIx is the protein phase.

               Lack of closure is  | Anom.Diff - Calc.Anom.Diff|
               Cullis  Rfactor is <Lack_of_closure>/ <Anomalous difference>

               This is tabulated for  acentric  terms.  Any  value  <1.0  means
               there  is  some  contribution  to  the phasing from the
               anomalous data.

                     Sum(h) Sum(phi) prob(phi) |Dano_obs(h) - Dano_calc(h,phi)|
           RC(ano) = ----------------------------------------------------------
                                        Sum(h) |Dano_obs(h)|

    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_anomalous'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_Rcullis_anomalous'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Residual factor R~cullis~ for centric reflections in this

                           sum| |Fph~obs~ +/- Fp~obs~| - Fh~calc~ |
               R~cullis~ = ----------------------------------------
                                   sum|Fph~obs~ - Fp~obs~|

               Fp~obs~  = the observed structure factor amplitude of the native
               Fph~obs~ = the observed structure factor amplitude of the
               Fh~calc~ = the calculated structure factor amplitude from the
                          heavy atom model

               sum is taken over the specified reflections

               Ref: Cullis, A. F., Muirhead, H., Perutz, M. F., Rossmann, M. G.
                    & North, A. C. T. (1961). Proc. Roy. Soc. A265, 15-38.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_centric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_Rcullis_centric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              The number of acentric reflections used in phasing for this
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.reflns_acentric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_reflns_acentric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

;              The number of anomalous reflections used in phasing for this
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.reflns_anomalous'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_reflns_anomalous'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

;              The number of centric reflections used in phasing for this
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der.reflns_centric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_reflns_centric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

## proposed additional data items in an existing category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick            ##
## Content review by Paula Fitzgerald  ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF ##

;              The relative anomalous occupancy of the atom type
               present at this heavy-atom site in a given derivative.
               This atom occupancy will probably be on an arbitrary scale.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der_site
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der_site.ebi_occupancy_anom'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_related.related_name  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom_esd'
    _item_related.function_code   associated_esd
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_type_conditions.code    esd

;              The standard uncertainty (e.s.d) of
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom_esd'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der_site
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der_site.ebi_occupancy_anom_esd'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_default.value           0.0
    _item_related.related_name  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_anom'
    _item_related.function_code   associated_value
    _item_type.code               float

;              The relative real isotropic occupancy of the atom type
               present at this heavy-atom site in a given derivative.
               This atom occupancy will probably be on an arbitrary scale.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der_site
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der_site.ebi_occupancy_iso'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_related.related_name  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso_esd'
    _item_related.function_code   associated_esd
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_type_conditions.code    esd

;              The standard uncertainty (e.s.d.) of
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso_esd'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_der_site
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_der_site.ebi_occupancy_iso_esd'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_default.value           0.0
    _item_related.related_name  '_phasing_MIR_der_site.occupancy_iso'
    _item_related.function_code   associated_value
    _item_type.code               float

## proposed additional data items in an existing category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick            ##
## Content review by Paula Fitzgerald  ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF ##

;              The mean value of the figure of merit m for acentric reflections
               in this shell.

                   int P~alpha~ exp(i*alpha) dalpha
               m = --------------------------------
                         int P~alpha~ dalpha

               P~a~ = the probability that phase angle a is correct

               int is taken over the range alpha = 0 to 2 pi.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_shell.fom_acentric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_shell
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_shell.ebi_fom_acentric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              The mean value of the figure of merit m for centric reflections
               in this shell.

                   int P~alpha~ exp(i*alpha) dalpha
               m = --------------------------------
                         int P~alpha~ dalpha

               P~a~ = the probability that phase angle a is correct

               int is taken over the range alpha = 0 to 2 pi.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_shell.fom_centric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_MIR_shell
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_shell.ebi_fom_centric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;               The number of acentric reflections in this shell.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_acentric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_mir_shell
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_shell.ebi_reflns_acentric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

;               The number of centric reflections in this shell.
    _item.name                  '_phasing_MIR_shell.reflns_centric'
    _item.category_id             phasing_mir_shell
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_phasing_MIR_shell.ebi_reflns_centric'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

## proposed new category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick            ##
## Content review by Paula Fitzgerald  ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF ##

;              Data items in the REFLN_SYS_ABS category record details about
               the reflection data that should be systematically absent,
               given the designated space group.
    _category.id                  refln_sys_abs
    _category.mandatory_code      no
    _category_key.name          '_refln_sys_abs.index_h'
    _category_group.id           'inclusive_group'
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Example 1 - completely arbitrary
     0  3  0   28.32  22.95  1.23
     0  5  0   14.11  16.38  0.86
     0  7  0  114.81  20.22  5.67
     0  9  0   32.99  24.51  1.35
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;              The measured value of the intensity in arbitrary units.
    _item.name                  '_refln_sys_abs.I'
    _item.category_id             refln_sys_abs
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refln_sys_abs.I'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_related.function_code '_refln_sys_abs.sigmaI'
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_type_conditions.code    esd
    _item_units.code              arbitrary

;              The ratio of _refln_sys_abs.I to _refln_sys_abs.sigmaI.  Used
               to evaluate whether a reflection that should be systematically
               absent according to the designated space group is in fact
    _item.name                  '_refln_sys_abs.I_over_sigmaI'
    _item.category_id             refln_sys_abs
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refln_sys_abs.I_over_sigma'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_type.code               float

;              Miller index h of the reflection. The values of the Miller
               indices in the REFLN_SYS_ABS category must correspond to
               the cell defined by cell lengths and cell angles in the CELL
    _item.name                  '_refln_sys_abs.index_h'
    _item.category_id             refln_sys_abs
    _item.mandatory_code          yes
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refln_sys_abs.h'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_sub_category.id         miller_index
    _item_type.code               int

;              Miller index k of the reflection. The values of the Miller
               indices in the REFLN_SYS_ABS category must correspond to the
               cell defined by cell lengths and cell angles in the CELL
    _item.name                  '_refln_sys_abs.index_k'
    _item.category_id             refln_sys_abs
    _item.mandatory_code          yes
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refln_sys_abs.k'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_sub_category.id         miller_index
    _item_type.code               int

;              Miller index h of the reflection. The values of the Miller
               indices in the REFLN_SYS_ABS category must correspond to the
               cell defined by cell lengths and cell angles in the CELL
    _item.name                  '_refln_sys_abs.index_l'
    _item.category_id             refln_sys_abs
    _item.mandatory_code          yes
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refln_sys_abs.l'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_sub_category.id         miller_index
    _item_type.code               int

;              The standard uncertainty (e.s.d.) of _refln_sys_abs.I, in
               arbitrary units.
    _item.name                  '_refln_sys_abs.sigmaI'
    _item.category_id             refln_sys_abs
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refln_sys_abs.sigmaI'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_related.function_code '_ebi_refln_sys_abs.I'
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_units.code              arbitrary

## REFINE ##
## proposed additional data items in an existing category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick                      ##
## Content review by Dale Tronrud - Mar 19, 1988 ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF           ##

;              The correlation coefficient between Fobs and Fcalcs for
               reflection included in refinement

               Correlation coefficients is scale independent and gives
               an idea of quality of refined model

                       sum~i~(Fo~i~ Fc~i~ -<Fo> <Fc>)
  R_corr = ------------------------------------------------
            SQRT{sum~i~(Fo~i~)^2-<Fo>^2} SQRT{sum~i~(Fc~i~)^2-<Fc>^2}

               Fo = observed structure factors
               Fc = calculated structure factors
               <> = denotes average value of data

               Summation is over reflections included in refinement
    _item.name                  '_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_Correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

;               The correlation coefficient between Fobs and Fcalcs not
                included in refinement (free reflections)

                Correlation coefficients is scale independent and gives an
                idea of quality of refined model

                       sum~i~(Fo~i~ Fc~i~ -<Fo> <Fc>)
  R_corr = ------------------------------------------------
            SQRT{sum~i~(Fo~i~)^2-<Fo>^2} SQRT{sum~i~(Fc~i~)^2-<Fc>^2}

                Fo  = observed structure factors
                Fc  = calculated structure factors
                <>  = denotes average value of data

                Summation is over reflections not included
                (free reflections) in refinement
    _item.name                  '_refine.correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_Correlation_coeff_Fo_to_Fc_free'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Overall estimated standard uncertainties of thermal parameters
               based on Maximum likelihood residual.

               Overall ESU gives an idea about uncertainties of B-values of
               averagely defined atoms (atoms with B-values equal to average

  (sigma_B)^2  = 8 ----------------------------------------------
                   sum~i~ {(1/Sigma - (E_o)^2 (1-m^2)(SUM_AS)s^4}

               SUM_AS         = (sigma_A)^2/Sigma^2)
               N_a            = number of atoms
               Sigma          = (sigma_{E;exp})^2 + epsilon (1-{sigma_A)^2)
               E_o            = normalized structure factors
               sigma_{E;exp}  = experimental uncertainties of normalized
                                structure factors
               sigma_A        = <cos 2 pi s delta_x> SQRT(Sigma_P/Sigma_N)
                                estimated using maximum likelihood
               Sigma_P        = sum_{atoms in model} f^2
               Sigma_N        = sum_{atoms in crystal} f^2
               f              = is form factor of atoms
               delta_x        = expected error
               m              = is figure of merit of phases of reflection
                                included in summation delta_x expected error
               s              = reciprocal space vector
               epsilon        = multiplicity of diffracting plane

               summation is over all reflections included in refinement

               Reference for sigma_A estimation:

               "Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the
               Maximum-Likelihood Method:"  G.N. Murshudov, A.A.Vagin and
               E.J.Dodson,(1997) Acta Crystallogr. D53, 240-255

               Reference for ESU_ML estimation:

               "Simplified error estimation a la Cruickshank in macromolecular
               crystallography",  Murshudov G.N. & Dodson E.J.  in the "CCP4
               Newsletter on protein crystallography" Number 33 ed. M.Winn

    _item.name                  '_refine.overall_ESU_B'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_Overall_ESU_B'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Overall estimated standard uncertainties of positional
               parameters based on Maximum likelihood residual.

               Overall ESU gives an idea about uncertainties in the position
               of averagely defined atoms (atoms with B-values equal to
               average B-value)

                 3                         N_a
  (sigma_X)^2  = -----------------------------------------------------
                 8 pi^2 sum~i~ {(1/Sigma - (E_o)^2 (1-m^2)(SUM_AS)s^2}

               SUM_AS         = (sigma_A)^2/Sigma^2)
               N_a            = number of atoms
               Sigma          = (sigma_{E;exp})^2 + epsilon (1-{sigma_A)^2)
               E_o            = normalized structure factors

               sigma_{E;exp}  = experimental uncertainties of normalized
                                structure factors
               sigma_A        = <cos 2 pi s delta_x> SQRT(Sigma_P/Sigma_N)
                                estimated using maximum likelihood
               Sigma_P        = sum_{atoms in model} f^2
               Sigma_N        = sum_{atoms in crystal} f^2
               f              = is formfactor of atoms
               delta_x        = expected error
               m              = is figure of merit of phases of reflection
                                included in summation delta_x expected error
               s              = reciprocal space vector
               epsilon        = multiplicity of diffracting plane

               summation is over all reflections included in refinement

               Reference for sigma_A estimation:

               "Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the
               Maximum-Likelihood Method:" G.N. Murshudov, A.A.Vagin and
               E.J.Dodson,(1997)  Acta Crystallogr. D53, 240-255

               Reference for ESU_ML estimation:

               Simplified error estimation a la Cruickshank in macromolecular
               crystallograpy  Murshudov G.N. & Dodson E.J.  in the "CCP4
               Newsletter on protein crystallography" Number 33 ed. M.Winn

    _item.name                  '_refine.overall_ESU_ML'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_Overall_ESU_ML'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Overall estimated standard uncertainties of thermal parameters
               based on crystallographic R-value

               Overall ESU gives an idea about uncertainties of B-values of
               averagely defined atoms (atoms with B-values equal to average

               (sigma_B)^2  = 0.65 --------- (R_value)^2 (D_min)^2 C^(-2/3)

               N_a      = number of atoms
               N_o      = number of reflections included in refinement
               N_p      = number of refined parameters
               R_value  = conventional crystallographic R-value
               D_min    = maximum resolution
               C        = completeness of data

               Reference for ESU_ML estimation:
               Cruickshank, in the "Refinement of macromolecular structures"
               CCP4 study weekend

               Simplified error estimation a la Cruickshank in
               macromolecular crystallography, Murshudov G.N. & Dodson E.J.
               in the "CCP4 Newsletter on protein crystallography" Number 33
               ed. M.Winn

    _item.name                  '_refine.overall_ESU_R_Cruickshanks_DPI'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_Overall_ESU_R_Cruickshanks_DPI'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Overall estimated standard uncertainties of thermal parameters
               based on free R-value

               Overall ESU gives an idea about uncertainties of B-values of
               averagely defined atoms (atoms with B-values equal to average

               (sigma_B)^2  = 0.65 ----- (R_free)^2 (D_min)^2 C^(-2/3)

               N_a    = number of atoms
               N_o    = number of reflections included in refinement
               N_p    = number of refined parameters
               R_free = conventional free crystallographic R-value calculated
                        using reflections not included in refinement
               D_min  = maximum resolution
               C      = completeness of data

               Reference for ESU_ML estimation:
               Cruickshank, in the "Refinement of macromolecular structures"
               CCP4 study weekend

               Simplified error estimation a la Cruickshank in macromolecular
               crystallography, Murshudov G.N. & Dodson E.J.
               in the "CCP4 Newsletter on protein crystallography" Number 33
               ed. M.Winn

    _item.name                  '_refine.overall_ESU_Rfree'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_Overall_ESU_Rfree'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Average figure of merit of phases of reflections not included
               in refinement

               This value is derived from likelihood function.

               fom           = I_1(X)/I_0(X)
               I_0, I_1      = zero and first ordered modified Bessel function
                               first kind X = sigma_A |E_o| |E_c|/SIGMA
               E_o, E_c      = normalized observed and calculated structure
               sigma_A       = <cos 2 pi s delta_x> SQRT(Sigma_P/Sigma_N)
                               estimated using maximum likelihood
               Sigma_P       = sum_{atoms in model} f^2
               Sigma_N       = sum_{atoms in crystal} f^2
               f             = formfactor of atoms
               delta_x       = expected error
               SIGMA         = (sigma_{E;exp})^2 + epsilon (1-{sigma_A)^2)
               sigma_{E;exp} = uncertainties of normalized observed structure
               epsilon       = multiplicity of diffracting plane

               Reference for sigma_A estimation:

               "Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the
               Maximum-Likelihood Method:"  G.N. Murshudov, A.A.Vagin and
               E.J.Dodson,(1997)  Acta Crystallogr. D53, 240-255

    _item.name                  '_refine.overall_FOM_work_Rset'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_overall_FOM_work_Rset'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              Average figure of merit of phases of reflections included in

               This value is derived from likelihood function.

               fom           = I_1(X)/I_0(X)

               I_0, I_1      = zero and first ordered modified
                               Bessel function first kind
               X             = sigma_A |E_o| |E_c|/SIGMA
               E_o, E_c      = normalized observed and calculated structure
               sigma_A       = <cos 2 pi s delta_x> SQRT(Sigma_P/Sigma_N)
                               estimated using maximum likelihood
               Sigma_P       = sum_{atoms in model} f^2
               Sigma_N       = sum_{atoms in crystal} f^2
               f             = is formfactor of atoms
               delta_x       = expected error
               SIGMA         = (sigma_{E;exp})^2 + epsilon (1-{sigma_A)^2)
               sigma_{E;exp} = uncertainties of normalized observed
                               structure factors
               epsilon       = multiplicity of diffracting plane

               Reference for sigma_A estimation:

               "Refinement of Macromolecular Structures by the
               Maximum-Likelihood Method:" G.N. Murshudov, A.A.Vagin and
               E.J.Dodson,(1997)  Acta Crystallogr. D53, 240-255

    _item.name                  '_refine.overall_FOM_work_Rset'
    _item.category_id             refine
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine.ebi_overall_FOM_work_Rset'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

## proposed additional data items in an existing category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick                      ##
## Content review by Dale Tronrud - Jan 13, 1998 ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF           ##

;              The value of the high resolution cutoff, in Angstrom,
               used in calculation of the Hamilton generalized
               R factor (RG) stored in refine_analyze.RG_work and
    _item.name                  '_refine_analyze.RG_d_res_high'
    _item.category_id             refine_analyze
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine_analyze.ebi_RG_d_res_high'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_units.code              angstroms

;              The value of the low resolution cutoff, in Angstrom,
	       used in calculation of the Hamilton generalized
               R factor (RG) stored in refine_analyze.ls_RG_work and
    _item.name                  '_refine_analyze.RG_d_res_low'
    _item.category_id             refine_analyze
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine_analyze.ebi_RG_d_res_low'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_units.code              angstroms

;              The Hamilton generalized R-factor (see W.C. Hamilton (1965)
               Acta Cryst., 18, 502-510. ) for all reflections that satisfy
               the resolution limits established by
               _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_high and
               _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_low for the Free R set of
               reflections that were excluded from the refinement.

           / sum_i sum_j w_{i,j}(|Fobs|_i - G|Fcalc|_i)(|Fobs|_j - G|Fcalc|_j)\
 Rg = Sqrt| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
           \              sum_i sum_j w_{i,j} |Fobs|_i |Fobs|_j               /


               |Fobs|  = the observed structure factor amplitudes
               |Fcalc| = the calculated structure factor amplitudes
               G       = the scale factor which puts |Fcalc| on the
                         same scale as |Fobs|
               w_{i,j} = the weight for the combination of the reflections
                         i and j.

               sum_i and sum_j is taken over the specified reflections

               When the covariance of the amplitude of reflection i and
               reflection j is zero (i.e. the reflections are independent)
               w{i,i} can be redefined as  w_i and the nested sums collapsed
               into one.

            / sum_i w_i(|Fobs|_i - G|Fcalc|_i)^2 \
  Rg = Sqrt| ----------------------------------- |
            \        sum_i w_i |Fobs|_i^2        /

    _item.name                  '_refine_analyze.RG_free'
    _item.category_id            refine
    _item.mandatory_code         no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine_analyze.ebi_RG_free'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .    0.0
                                 0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code              float

;              The Hamilton generalized R factor  (see W.C. Hamilton
               (1965) Acta Cryst., 18, 502-510. ) for all reflections
               that satisfy the resolution limits established by
               _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_high and
               _refine_analyze.RG_d_res_low  and for those
               reflections included in the working set when a Free R set
               of reflections are omitted from the refinement.

           / sum_i sum_j w_{i,j}(|Fobs|_i - G|Fcalc|_i)(|Fobs|_j - G|Fcalc|_j)\
 Rg = Sqrt| ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
           \              sum_i sum_j w_{i,j} |Fobs|_i |Fobs|_j               /


               |Fobs|  = the observed structure factor amplitudes
               |Fcalc| = the calculated structure factor amplitudes
               G       = the scale factor which puts |Fcalc| on the
                         same scale as |Fobs|
               w_{i,j} = the weight for the combination of the reflections
                         i and j.

               sum_i and sum_j is taken over the specified reflections

               When the covariance of the amplitude of reflection i and
               reflection j is zero (i.e. the reflections are independent)
               w{i,i} can be redefined as w_i and the nested sums collapsed
              into one.

            / sum_i w_i(|Fobs|_i - G|Fcalc|_i)^2 \
  Rg = Sqrt| ----------------------------------- |
            \        sum_i w_i |Fobs|_i^2        /

    _item.name                  '_refine_analyze.RG_work'
    _item.category_id            refine
    _item.mandatory_code         no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine_analyze.ebi_RG_work'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum          .     0.0
                                 0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code              float

               The observed RGfree/RGwork ratio. The expected RG ratio is
               the value that should be achievable at the end of a structure
               refinement when only random uncorrelated errors exist in data
               and model provided that the observations are properly weighted.
               When compared to the observed RG ratio it may indicate that a
               structure has not reached convergence or a model has been over
               refined with no corresponding improvement in the model.

               See:  I.J. Tickle, R.A. Laskowski and D.S. Moss, (1998)
               "Rfree and the Rfree ratio: deviation of expected values of
               cross-validation residuals used in macromolecular least-squares
               refinement" Acta Cryst. D, in press

               In an unrestrained refinement the ratio of RGfree/RGwork with
               only random uncorrelated errors at convergence would only
               depend on the number of reflections and the number of
               parameters as:

               sqrt[(f + m) / (f - m) ]

               where f = number of included structure amplitudes and
                         target distances, and
                     m = number of parameters being refined.

               In the restrained case, RGfree is calculated from a random
               selection of residuals including both structure amplitudes
               and restraints.  When restraints are included in refinement
               the RG ratio requires a term for the contribution to the
               minimized residual at convergence, Drest, due to those

               Drest = r - sum (w_i . (a_i)^t . (H)^-1 a_i


               r is the number of geometrical, temperature factor and
                 other restraints
               H is the (m,m) normal matrix given by A^t.W.A
               W is the (n,n) symmetric weight matrix of the included
               A is the least-squares design matrix of derivatives of \
                 order (n,m)
               a_i is the ith row of A

              Then the expected RGratio becomes

              sqrt [ (f + (m - r + Drest))/ (f - (m - r + Drest)) ]

              The expected RGfree/RGwork is not yet included in the mmCIF

    _item.name                  '_refine_analyze.RG_work_free_ratio'
    _item.category_id            refine_analyze
    _item.mandatory_code         no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine_analyze.ebi_RG_work_free_ratio'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .    0.0
                                 0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code              float

## proposed new category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick                      ##
## Content review by Dale Tronrud - Jan 13, 1998 ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF           ##

;              Data items in the REFINE_FUNCT_MINIMIZED category record
               details about the individual terms of the function minimized
               during refinement.
    _category.id                 refine_funct_minimized
    _category.mandatory_code     no
    _category_key.name          '_refine_funct_minimized.type'
    _category_group.id           'inclusive_group'
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Example 1 - based on RESTRAIN refinement for the CCP4 text data set
    'sum(W*Delta(Amplitude)^2'               3009      1621.3
    'sum(W*Delta(Plane+Rigid)^2'               85       56.68
    'sum(W*Delta(Distance)^2'                1219      163.59
    'sum(W*Delta(U-tempfactors)^2'           1192      69.338
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;              The number observations in this term.  For example, if the
               term is residual of the X-ray data this item would contain
               the number of reflections used in refinement.
    _item.name                  '_refine_funct_minimized.numterms'
    _item.category_id             refine_funct_minimized
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refine_funct_minimized.NumTerms'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum           .   0
                                  0   0
    _item_type.code               int

;              The residual for this term of function which was minimized
               in refinement.
    _item.name                  '_refine_funct_minimized.residual'
    _item.category_id             refine_funct_minimized
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refine_funct_minimized.Residual'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float

;              The type of the function being minimized.
    _item.name                  '_refine_funct_minimized.type'
    _item.category_id             refine_funct_minimized
    _item.mandatory_code          yes
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refine_funct_minimized.type'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               line

;              The weight applied to this term of the function which was
               minimized in refinement.
    _item.name                  '_refine_funct_minimized.weight'
    _item.category_id             refine_funct_minimized
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_ebi_refine_funct_minimized.weight'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_type.code               float

## proposed elaboration of an existing data item ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick                       ##
## Content review by John Westbrook               ##
## Kim Henrick approval of changes - Jan 22, 1998 ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF            ##

;              The type of the parameter being restrained.

               An explicit set of data values are provided for programs Protin/
               Prolsq (beginning with p_) and X-plor (beginning with x_).
               As computer programs will evolve, these data values are given
               as examples, and not as an enumeration list. Computer programs
               converting a data block to a refinement table will expect the
               exact form of the data values given here to be used.
        '_refine_ls_restr.type'       refine_ls_restr        yes
        '_refine_ls_restr_type.type'  refine_ls_restr_type   yes
               '_refine_ls_restr_type.type'  '_refine_ls_restr.type'
    _item_type.code               line
    _item_examples.detail        'p_bond_d'
                                 'bond distance'
                                 'bond angle expressed as a distance'
                                 'planar 1,4 distance'
                                 'x-h bond distance'
                                 'x-h bond angle expressed as a distance'
                                 'hydrogen distance'
                                 'special distance'
                                 'chiral centers'
                                 'single-torsion non-bonded contact'
                                 'multiple-torsion non-bonded contact'
                                 'possible (x...y) hydrogen-bond'
                                 'possible (x-h...y) hydrogen-bond'
                                 'special torsion angle'
                                 'planar torsion angle'
                                 'staggered torsion angle'
                                 'orthonormal torsion angle'
                                 'main-chain bond isotropic thermal factor'
                                 'main-chain angle isotropic thermal factor'
                                 'side-chain bond isotropic thermal factor'
                                 'side-chain angle isotropic thermal factor'
                                 'x-h bond isotropic thermal factor'
                                 'x-h angle isotropic thermal factor'
                                 'special isotropic thermal factor'
    'RESTRAIN_Distances < 2.12'
;  For the program RESTRAIN, the root-mean-square deviation
   of the difference between the values calculated from the structures
   used to compile the restraints dictionary parameters and the dictionary
   values themselves in the distance range less than 2.12 Angtroms.
    'RESTRAIN_Distances 2.12 < D < 2.625'
;  For the program RESTRAIN, the root-mean-square deviation
   of the difference between the values calculated from the structures
   used to compile the restraints dictionary parameters and the dictionary
   values themselves in the distance range 2.12 - 2.625 Angtroms.
    'RESTRAIN_Distances > 2.625'
;  For the program RESTRAIN, the root-mean-square deviation
   of the difference between the values calculated from the structures
   used to compile the restraints dictionary parameters and the dictionary
   values themselves in the distance range greater than 2.625 Angtroms.
    'RESTRAIN_Peptide Planes'
;  For the program RESTRAIN, the root-mean-square deviation
   of the difference between the values calculated from the structures
   used to compile the restraints dictionary parameters and the dictionary
   values themselves for peptide planes.
    'RESTRAIN_Ring and other planes'
;  For the program RESTRAIN, the root-mean-square deviation
   of the difference between the values calculated from the structures
   used to compile the restraints dictionary parameters and the dictionary
   values themselves for rings and planes other than peptide planes.
    'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.2-1.4'
    'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.4-1.6'
    'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.8-2.0'
    'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 2.0-2.2'
    'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 2.2-2.4'
    'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist >2.4'

## proposed new category ##
## Submitted by Kim Henrick                       ##
## Content review by John Westbrook               ##
## Kim Henrick approval of changes - Jan 22, 1998 ##
## Editorial review by HB, JW and PMDF            ##

;              Data items in the REFINE_LS_RESTR_TYPE category record details
               about the restraints types used in least-squares refinement.
    _category.id                  refine_ls_restr_type
    _category.mandatory_code      no
    _category_key.name          '_refine_ls_restr_type.type'
    _category_group.id           'inclusive_group'
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Example 1 - based on RESTRAIN refinement for the CCP4 text data set
 'RESTRAIN_Distances < 2.12'                               509     0.005 0.022
 'RESTRAIN_Distances 2.12 < D < 2.625'                     671     0.016 0.037
 'RESTRAIN_Distances > 2.625'                              39      0.034 0.043
 'RESTRAIN_Peptide Planes'                                 59      0.002 0.010
 'RESTRAIN_Ring and other planes'                          26      0.014 0.010
 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.2-1.4'    212     0.106     .
 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.4-1.6'    288     0.101     .
 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.8-2.0'    6       0.077     .
 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 2.0-2.2'    10      0.114     .
 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 2.2-2.4'    215     0.119     .
 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist >2.4'       461     0.106     .

 'RESTRAIN_Distances < 2.12'                              .     2.12       .
 'RESTRAIN_Distances 2.12 < D < 2.625'                    2.12  2.625      .
 'RESTRAIN_Distances > 2.625'                             2.625 .          .
 'RESTRAIN_Peptide Planes'                                .     .          .
 'RESTRAIN_Ring and other planes'                         .     .          .
 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.2-1.4'   1.2   1.4        1.800

 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.4-1.6'   1.4   1.6        1.800

 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 1.8-2.0'   1.8   2.0        1.800

 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 2.0-2.2'   2.0   2.2        1.800

 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist 2.2-2.4'   2.2   2.4        1.800

 'RESTRAIN_r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at dist >2.4'      2.4   .          1.800

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;              Upper limit of the distance range applied to the current
               restraint type.
    _item.name                  '_refine_ls_restr_type.distance_cutoff_high'
    _item.category_id             refine_ls_restr_type
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_units.code              angstroms

;              Lower limit of the distance range applied to the current
               restraint type.
    _item.name                  '_refine_ls_restr_type.distance_cutoff_low'
    _item.category_id             refine_ls_restr_type
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float
    _item_units.code              angstroms

;              This data item is a pointer to _refine_ls_restr.type in the
               REFINE_LS_RESTR category.

    _item.name                  '_refine_ls_restr_type.type'
    _item.category_id             refine_ls_restr_type
    _item.mandatory_code          yes
    _item_type.code               line

;              refine_ls_restr.ebi_U_sigma_wghts is a coefficient used in the

               calculation of the weight for thermal parameter restraints in
               the program RESTRAIN (see Driessen H, Haneef M I J, Harris G W,
               Howlin B, Khan G and Moss D S (1989) J Appl Cryst, 22, 510-516;
               and Howlin B, Butler S A, Moss D S, Harris G W and
               Driessen H P C  (1993) J. Appl. Crystallogr. 26, 622-624.)
               The equation used to calculate the actual weight from this
               coefficient depends upon the value of _refine_ls_restr.type
               -- either "r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at distance *" or
               "r.m.s. diffs for Uaniso atoms at distance *".

               A similarity restraint is applied to the thermal parameters of
               any pair of atoms which are subject to an interatomic distance
               restraint (i.e. 1-2 and 1-3 bonded atoms).  The thermal
               parameter restraints are categorized by the distance between
               the two affected atoms.  The expected r.m.s. differences in
               thermal parameter, either Uiso or Uaniso, are listed for each
               shell in  _refine_ls_restr.ebi_rmsdev_dictionary.

               The weight for the restraint on the thermal parameter difference
               between atoms i and j is

               w_ij = 1/(s(i)^2 + s(j)^2),

               where the calculation of s(i) differs depending upon the value of

               _refine_ls_restr.type.  If it is equal to  "r.m.s. diffs for
               Uiso atoms at distance *" its calculation is

               s_iso(i)  = WU.U_iso(i)^2.

               When the type is "r.m.s. diffs for Uaniso atoms at distance *"
               its calculation is

               s_aniso(i) = WU.d^2,

               where d is the interatomic distance and, in both cases, WU is
               the value stored in _refine_ls_restr.U_sigma_wghts.

               The residual of the restraint is also different in the two cases;

               in the isotropic case it is simply the difference between the
               U_iso's;  in the anisotropic case it is the difference between
               the components of the anisotropic tensors along the line joining
               the atoms.

               See "r.m.s. diffs for Uiso atoms at distance bins"   and
               "r.m.s. diffs for Uaniso atoms at distance bins" definitions
               within  _refine_ls_restr.type.

    _item.name                  '_refine_ls_restr_type.U_sigma_wghts'
    _item.category_id             refine_ls_restr_type
    _item.mandatory_code          no
    _item_aliases.alias_name    '_refine_ls_restr_type.ebi_U_sigma_wghts'
    _item_aliases.dictionary      ebi_extensions
    _item_aliases.version         1.0
    _item_range.minimum            .    0.0
                                  0.0   0.0
    _item_type.code               float