IUCr Associates Programme

Associates Programme fees

Individual Associates

3-year Full rate: USD 200

3-year Student/Retired/Developing countries rate: USD 60

  • Student rate – includes undergraduate, postgraduate or postdoctoral researchers with up to 3 years' experience.
  • Retired scientist rate – available for individuals aged over 65 years who no longer have paid employment.
  • Developing country rate – a full list of the qualifying countries is given here. When applying select the category 'Full' and then confirm which country you are from. You will then be able to pay at the reduced rate.

 VAT to be added, where applicable.

Click here to join the Associates Programme


Corporate Associates





  • Company logo and short description in dedicated section on IUCr website in prominent position
  • Company logo on IUCr homepage
  • 20% discount on all items in the IUCr Advertising and Partnership Kit
  • Three IUCr Associate individual memberships for company employees (worth USD 600)
  • One opportunity to sponsor an article in the IUCr Newsletter (issue to be agreed with the IUCr Newsletter Editor) (worth USD 2000)
  • Invitation to attend one meeting of the Local Organizing Committee of the forthcoming IUCr Congress to discuss sponsorship opportunities and exhibition layout
  • IUCr Corporate Associate logo for inclusion in company website and promotional material

USD 7000 for 3 years


  • Company logo and short description in dedicated section on IUCr website (2nd level position)
  • Company logo on IUCr homepage
  • 10% discount on all items in the IUCr Advertising and Partnership Kit
  • Two IUCr Associate individual memberships for company employees (worth USD 400)
  • IUCr Corporate Associate logo for inclusion in company website and promotional material

USD 3500 for 3 years


  • Company logo and short description in dedicated section on IUCr website (3rd level position)
  • Company logo on IUCr homepage
  • One IUCr Associate individual membership for a company employee (worth USD 200)
  • IUCr Corporate Associate logo for inclusion in company website and promotional material

USD 1750 for 3 years

To join as a Corporate Associate, please email us at associates@iucr.org.