Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature

Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature

General information

The Commission on Crystallographic Nomenclature comprises an elected Chairperson and ex officio members, namely the editors of the Union's journals and International Tables, the Chairman of the IUCr/OUP Book series Committee, the Chairman of the Teaching Commission, the Chairman of the Committee for the Maintenance of the Crystallographic Information File Standard, the President and the General Secretary of the IUCr.

Nomenclature problems arising in specific fields of crystallography that come to the attention of, and are recognised as important by, the Commission are studied by ad hoc committees of experts appointed by the Commission. The reports of these working groups, after acceptance by the Commission and the Executive Committee, are published in Acta Crystallographica, Section A.

The results of past working groups, together with their recommendations, are contained in the reports listed below.

Crystallographers are invited to bring additional nomenclature problems to the attention of any Commission member.

Commission members


Crystallographic teaching aids

  • Teaching Pamphlets
  • Educational resources
  • Crystallographic symbols This will provide a link to sections 1.1 to 1.4 of Volume A of International Tables for Crystallography when software problems have been resolved
  • Basic crystallographic relations This will provide a link to Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of Volume C of International Tables for Crystallography when software problems have been resolved

Reference materials

Other nomenclature resources


Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (Home of the SI system of units)
  • iupac
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

IUPAC Color Books
The IUPAC Color Books are the world’s authoritative resource for chemical nomenclature, terminology, and symbols. Terminology definitions published by IUPAC are drafted by international committees of experts in the appropriate chemistry sub-disciplines, and ratified by IUPAC’s Interdivisional Committee on Terminology, Nomenclature and Symbols (ICTNS). The books in this series are as follows:

  • Green Book: Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry
  • Red Book: Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry
  • Blue Book: Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry
  • Purple Book: Compendium of Polymer Terminology and Nomenclature
  • Orange Book: Analytical Nomenclature
  • Silver Book: Compendium of Terminology and Nomenclature of Properties Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • White Book: Biochemical Nomenclature
  • Gold Book: Chemical Terminology
  • iso
ISO Technical Committee 12: Quantities and units
  • iupap
IUPAP (International Union of Pure & Applied Physics) Commission on Symbols, Units, Nomenclature, Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (SUNAMCO)

These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 21 Jul 2020