International Union of Crystallography

Advisory Committees of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee establishes Sub-committees to assist it in its work.

The following Committees are active:

Meeting Support Committee
Makes recommendations to the Executive Committee for financial support of meetings.
Committee on Data (CommDat)
Provides a coordinating and advisory role regarding data.
Committee for the Maintenance of the CIF Standard (COMCIFS)
Maintains the integrity of the Crystallographic Information Framework (CIF) on behalf of the IUCr.
IUCr/OUP Book Series
Recommends new book publications to the IUCr Executive Committee and the Delegates of Oxford University Press.
Gender Equity and Diversity Committee
Establishes new practices and policies to overcome inequity in the IUCr's processes.

The following Committees have been subsumed into CommDat:

Committee on Electronic Publishing, Dissemination and Storage of Information
Provided advice on all aspects of electronic publication and internet services. (1993-2009)
Diffraction Data Deposition Working Group
Surveyed the need for deposition of raw data sets and recommended community actions. (2011-2017)
Committee on Crystallographic Databases
Provided a forum for database representatives to liaise with the IUCr. (1996-2009)