Finance Committee
The Finance Committee is a Sub-committee of the Executive Committee and advises on finances, establishment and salaries. The Convener of the Finance Committee is normally a resident of the same country as the Union Secretariat. If the Convener is not an elected member of the Executive Committee he or she attends
ex officio the meetings of the Executive Committee without voting rights.
- M.J. Cooper (Convener)
- T. Forsyth (General Secretary and Treasurer)
- S. Garcia-Granda (President and member)
- B. Brummerstedt Iversen (member)
- H.A. Dabkowska (member)
- A.M. Glazer (UK member)
- A.J. Allen (Editor in Chief of IUCr Journals)
- J. Ferrara (adviser on investments)
Annual Reports
Triennial Reports