Crystallographic resources

Radiation and diffraction facilities

Synchrotron Radiation Facilities

ALS Advanced Light Source Berkeley, CA, USA
ANL-APS Advanced Photon Source Argonne, IL, USA Part of the Argonne National Laboratory
BNL Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY, USA
SRS Daresbury Laboratory Warrington, UK Closed 2008; archived web site shows historical information
DESY Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron Hamburg, Deutschland
PF Photon Factory Tsukuba, Japan
SRRC Synchrotron Center Hsinchu City, Taiwan
SSRL Stanford Synchrotron Menlo Park, CA, USA
Diamond Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, UK

Neutron Radiation Facilities

ANSTO, Bragg Institute Menai, NSW, Australia Includes the OPAL research reactor
AEKI Atomic Energy Research Institute Budapest, Hungary
AECL Atomic Energy of Canada Chalk River, Canada
ANL Argonne National Laboratory Argonne, IL, USA
CNF Canadian Neutron Facility website Chalk River, Canada
Dubna Dubna high flux reactor Dubna, Russia
FRM-II Garching, Deutschland
GKSS GKSS-Forschungszentrum Hamburg, Deutschland
HZB Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Deutschland
ILL Institut Laue-Langevin Grenoble, France
TUDelft Interfacultair Reactor Institute Delft, Netherlands
KENS Neutron Facility Tsukuba, Japan
KfA KfA Jülich Jülich, Deutschland
KURRI Research Reactor Institute Kyoto, Japan
LLB Laboratoire Léon Brillouin Saclay, France
ETHZ & PSI SINQ Laboratory for Neutron Scattering Villigen, Switzerland
LANSCE Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center Los Alamos, NM, USA
RNL Risø National Laboratory Risø, Denmark Now subsumed into the Risø Campus of the Technical University of Denmark. Original website was at

Diffraction Resources

BIOSYNC Synchrotron Beamlines for Macromolecular Crystallography A Structural Biologist's Guide to Synchrotron Facilities News, information, and educational materials about the world’s synchrotron and free electron laser light source facilities