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Re: parser validation tools

  • Subject: Re: parser validation tools
  • From: Brian McMahon <bm@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 09:59:43 +0100 (BST)
> Are datanames and datablock names really allowed to have the comment
> indicator (#) as a valid character in the name (as indicated in the ciftest5
> file)?

Yup. The published STAR BNF [Hall, S. R. & Spadaccini, N. (1994), J. Chem.
Inf. Comput. Sci. 34, 505-508] has the following relevant entries:

     <data_heading>   ::=  data_<non_blank_char>+
     <data_name>      ::=  _<non_blank_char>+
     <non_blank_char> ::=  ! shriek character -> ~ tilde character
                                                     (ASCII 33 - 126)

So the following is a valid STAR File:

           _the_answer_#_is   'yes'

COMCIFS discussed some time ago whether restrictions should be imposed
on non-alphanumeric characters in data names and datablock names within
CIFs specifically. The conclusion was "no".

Admittedly this does make life harder for regular-expression parsing,
which is a useful tool in shell, perl, tcl, python and similar languages.
For exaample, if you're matching regexps within a line of text in order to
identify and discard a comment, you can't just scan for 

You need at least white space before the hash mark:
                   / #.*/

But in fact you need also to check that the hash isn't a legitimate
character within a text string, e.g.  'this is a # legal data value'
I offer as a challenge to anyone who is interested the problem of
supplying a regexp that will definitely match a comment on a line.


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