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Summary of comments on the CIF DDLm Discussion paper

  • Subject: Summary of comments on the CIF DDLm Discussion paper
  • From: David Brown <idbrown@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 11:36:59 -0400
I have attached a .pdf with an edited version of the comments I have received on the Discussion Paper I recently circulated.  This contained a number of queries about the directions in which the DDLm CIF dictionaries should be developing.  The attachment includes the discussion that has appeared on the COMCIFS and CIF developers discussion lists as well as a number of comments that were not so widely circulated.  I have edited all these to produce a more or less coherent discussion to make the arguments easier to follow.

We will be following up these discussions at the Osaka Congress during the closed COMCIFS meetings.  Anyone interested in these topics is welcome to attend the closed meetings so that, with luck, we may come to some consensus.  The times of the meetings are given in the attached document.

The attached .pdf contains 21 pages.

I look forward to some lively sessions!

David Brown


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