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Broken _related_function in ddl_core.dic

  • Subject: Broken _related_function in ddl_core.dic
  • From: Richard Gildea <rgildea@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 17:20:56 +0100
Dear All,

I don't know if this is the best place to post this message, so please direct me to the appropriate place if necessary.

In the current ddl_core.dic, the definition of the item _related_function has the _list item defined as "yes" (i.e. 'can only be declared in a looped list') rather than "both" (as is the case for _related_item).  This therefore causes much of cif_core.dic to be invalid when validating against ddl_core.dic.  It appears that this has been the case since the first published version of ddl_core.dic, however I am surprised that an error such as this hasn't been spotted beforehand.

In addition, the _type of _dictionary_version is given as 'numb', however unless there is an alternative definition of the allowed 'numb' constructs of which I am not aware (I am assuming the numeric rule in the formal BNF description of CIF grammar), I do not see how values such as '1.4.1' (the current ddl_core.dic version) can be interpreted as type 'numb'.

It seems unfortunate at best if the DDL1 specification cannot be used either to validate itself or most DDL1 dictionaries.


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