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Re: Treatment of Greek characters in CIF2

I am also in agreement with Bob's list, with John's subsequent clarifications. I am also not convinced that there is a need to preserve duplicate datablock names and datablock order.

On 21 April 2017 at 00:25, Robert Hanson <hansonr@stolaf.edu> wrote:
Now that John is with us, let's summarize where we are. Feel free to disagree!

- CIF-JSON is a great idea
- COD is already using something like this
- Jmol is already creating something like this for internal use or export (undocumented)
- we're talking about the future, not the present
- no programs as of yet are implementing CIF-JSON, including COD and Jmol
- as long as we don't cause an incompatibility, we can do whatever we want

Agreed to so far -  maybe?

- all CIF keys will be made lower case, since in the CIF format it doesn't matter, and in JSON it does
  and this also allows us to
- upper-case keys will be non-CIF metadata or other application-specific or translation-specific keys,
  including CIF1/2 compatibility information
- UTF-8 character encoding; \uFFFF for CIF <?> and JSON standard null for <.>

- some question about whether top level should be [] or {}
- some question about what to do with CIF1 non-latin characters



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