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(76) COMCIFS review; imgcif workshop; core 2.1beta; towards mmCIF 2.0

  • To: COMCIFS@iucr
  • Subject: (76) COMCIFS review; imgcif workshop; core 2.1beta; towards mmCIF 2.0
  • Date: Mon, 17 Nov 1997 11:55:40 GMT
Dear Colleagues

Existing discussion threads

D70.1 COMCIFS Review
Howard Flack commented on a couple of points in my suggestions for the
reorganisation of COMCIFS.

>      (1) executive
>      (2) dictionary subcommittees
>      (3) technical working groups
H> Think of another word for "executive" 

The terminology is, of course, less important than the stratification of
function. The role of the top layer would be to define the strategy for
future developments and to decide on policy issues affecting CIF as a whole.
"Steering committee", "voting body", Howard's humorous (I think!) suggestion
"praesidium", or any similar title would do as well.

> On the other hand, there are several bodies who feel that they have a right
> to representation in this forum, and they might have Observer status. Likely
> candidates would be the IUCr President, representatives of the Database
> Committee, Electronic Publishing Committee, Journals Commission, Nomenclature
> Commission.
H> This arrangement would suit the EPC perfectly.

> The executive should conduct open discussion through a mailing list
> (membership of which should be restricted to the executive and, perhaps, the
> Observers) and not through the current moderated discussion. In like manner,
> the subcommittees and technical working groups may conduct their business
> through separate mailing lists. It would be beneficial to manage all the
> mailing lists through Chester, or at least to mirror the discussions there.
H> I agree that open discussions should be conducted through a restricted
H> membership mailing list. The current moderated discussion technique
H> strikes me as rather time-consuming on the poor secretary. One has to
H> insist that the mail list users make correct use of the "Subject" so the
H> mail reader may identify the threads, and try and teach them to send
H> several messages each containing  comments on one single subject rather
H> than one message with many subjects.

D75.2 Image Workshop
 From Howard Flack:
H> Concerning the "binary" problem. The neutron scattering group developing
H> Nexus uses HDF for which one of the data structures are binary. Would it
H> not be a good idea for COMCIFs and the Nexus to try and work together to
H> avoid the development of contradictory standards?

Yes. There was a very interesting presentation on Nexus during the Brookhaven
workshop. There were doubts that the HDF format was appropriate for the uses
envisaged, but there was very real enthusiasm for working together to
prevent divergence of the data representation tokens (equivalent to CIF data
names) so far as possible. Although the Nexus project permits the
introduction of new dataname tags with few restrictions (and this is
appropriate for describing essentially unique experimental apparatuses),
there is obvious merit in choosing "standard" tags that map on to the
existing data structures in the CIF descrptive framework. I hope that
COMCIFS will be able to liaise with the Nexus people through the imgcif
working group.

Andy Hammersley circulated the following report to the members of the imgcif
mailing list, and has kindly given me permission to redistribute it here. It
provides a more complete review of the technical issues that were addressed
at the Brookhaven workshop. Members of COMCIFS who are interested in
following the detailed discussions on the implementation of these ideas are
reminded that there is an open discussion list, which is currently quite
active. To subscribe, send email to listproc@bnl.gov as described below:

     mail listproc@bnl.gov
     Subject: Subscribe
     subscribe imgCIF-l <your name>

 From: Andy Hammersley <hammersl@esrf.fr>
 To: imgcif-l@bnl.gov
 Subject: imageNCIF Workshop
   Hello Everyone,
   This is a "short" summary of some of the discussion topics and conclusions
   reached at the Brookhaven imageNCIF workshop 20th-22nd October 1997.
   I'm not trying to cover everything, but just the "main" points which
   I recall. Bob Sweet has undertaken to produce a report on the workshop
   with help from various of the attendees. This report will doubtless
   cover more points and in greater detail, but owing to other commitments
   will probably not appear until December.
   I should start by thanking Bob Sweet, John Skinner, and Ann Emrick for a 
   very well organised and enjoyable meeting, and thank the sponsers.
   I should emphasise the very constructive nature of all the discussions 
   and underline the unanimous views on a number of major components of 
   the format, and near unanimous view on other components. This was a very 
   positive meeting and we can now proceed with the format given that 
   the major outline has been decided. 
   o The format will consist of one or more pseudo-ASCII header sections
     followed by binary sections, using a DDL2 based dictionary. 
     (I see this as a combination of some of my CBF proposal, together 
     with John Westbrook's dictionary. The multiple binary sections means 
     that extra syntax is necessary.)
   o One or more pure ASCII text encodings may be produced from the
     binary "working" files. It is thus appropriate to define an
     "imgCIF" dictionary using DDL2. (Herb Bernstein has kindly offered
     to handle the translation programs from binary to ASCII and vice
     versa. This allows us to concentrate on the binary format.) 
     The imgCIF dictionary will be used both within the binary format
     and within fully CIF compliant ASCII text translations.
     DDL2 is necessary to defined inter-relatedness and inter-dependencies
     of data items. The alias mechanism can be used to define corresponding
     data names for DDL1.4 applications.
   o "imgCIF" can be initially defined as a "local" dictionary (CIF
     terminology). Later it can be submitted for official approval and
     status, or maybe included in the core dictionary.
     (Don't worry about the term "local": A "local" distionary can be
   o The format will be called the "Crystallographic Binary Format":
     CBF (pronounced "sea-biff" !) Recommended file extension "cbf" or
     "CBF". (Infact on day one it was decided to call the format
     "Binary Information File": BIF, but on day 2 CBF was preferred.
     Do we stick with CBF ? )
   o The overall file structure was decided:
     File Signature (pseudo-ASCII *)
        (Also known as the file identifier or "magic number")
        Consists of a number of standard invariant characters 
        Followed by a version number.
     Beginning of Header section identifier
        Maybe this should be optional for the first header section (?)
     Header Section (pseudo-ASCII *)
        Contains imgCIF and other CIF data names / values 
        May contain one or more data blocks.
     End of header identifier (pseudo-ASCII *)
        White space may optionally be used to align binary to 
        word/page/block boundaries
     Beginning of Binary Section Identifier (binary)
        This will start with ASCII printable characters, but will
        also include non-printable characters such as ^L ^Z ^D
        to separate text from binary data and to indicate the end of the 
        "header" section to various operating systems. 
        The number of bytes to jump to the "End of Binary" identifier
        will be contained within the identifier. This value may be
        undefined, which means that no further binary nor pseudo-ASCII
        sections follow the binary section.
        (Should each binary section contain an array id value which can
        be used to relate the "arrays" defined in the header section
        be the different binary sections ? I address this question
        mainly to John Westbrook.)
        The precise end of the identifier will define the start of
        the binary data.
     Binary Section
        Data whose sense has been fully defined by  "_ARRAY." data names, 
        (Maybe eventually other data names.)
     End of Binary Identifier
        This is redundant information, but is deliberately present for
        safety. In the case of a corrupted file could be used to
        recover data after the corrupted binary section.
        Using sufficient uniquely defined characters can make the
        probability of finding such a sequence in the binary vanishingly
     [Repeat of above from "Beginning of Header" identifier]
     End of File
     * pseudo-ASCII is "lines" of printable ASCII characters separated
     by carriage return and linefeed characters, independent of the
     operating system being used. (Should horizontal and
     vertical tabs also be allowed ? Is there a maximum allowed "line" 
     length ?)
     One pseudo-ASCII section may contain multiple data blocks, and
     one data block may define multiple binary sections.
     (I will provide a fully detailed proposal for the overall syntax
     in the near future.)
   o A coordinate system flexible enough to fully describe non-ideal
     diffracton geometries was defined. Jim Pflugrath will produce a 
     detailed description of the system (?). This scheme includes the
     generalised concept of a "gravity" vector. (Note: It is intended
     to perform diffraction experiments in the Space Shuttle !)
   o A preferred rastering scheme was defined. All rastering schemes are
     defined looking from the sample to the detector with the "gravity" 
     vector upwards (my wording is probably not watertight). The 
     "preferred" scheme is rastering from left to right (fastest), and 
     then from top to bottom (slowest).
   o A structured framework for defining data name categories to fully
     describe "experiments" ("investigations" ?)  consisting of multiple 
     data-sets, which may contain multiple "frames", which may contain
     data from multiple detectors was defined. 
     (I think the scheme as defined was not quite complete, but its 
     extension should be relatively simple.)
     John Westbrook will hopefully lead the task group to define data
     item categories and data items.
   o A number of sources of extra data names which need to be defined to
     fully describe the source and experiment were defined.
     A task group will work on defining the new data names.
   o A number of data items will be defined to describe whether the
     data is raw, or has been "corrected" for a number of "distortions"
     e.g. detector offsets, data current, zingerings, intensity
     non-linearity, spatial distortion, non-uniform intensity response.
   o Data names to define processing requirements were discussed, but
     further work is necessary.
     A task group will work on defining the new data names.
   o Methods to automatically describe to processing software series
     of files which form a data-set were discussed e.g. templates.
     Further definition probably belongs to the above task group.
   o "Three" types of lossless data compression algorithms will be included
      in version 1: 1 None, 2 Simple byte offset, 3 Choice of simple 
      predictors followed by Huffman encoding. 
      (The details of the 2 proposed compression algorithms will be
      sent to Herb, so that it can be checked that they do not cause
      potential legal problems owing to patents.)
   o Availability of a highly portable freely distributed and adaptable
     software I/O library was discussed.
        The library will be written in ANSI-C.
        Fortran and C++ interfaces will be available.
        Error reporting should be performed through defined
        return error codes.
        Debugging options should be available.
   o An initial V0.1 software implementation was discussed.
        Given the inclusion in V1 of multiple binary sections, various
        different data types, etc. it was decided to initially 
        implement a sub-set. i.e. Only one binary section, and
        only 16-bit and 32-bit integer support. Re-rastering will
        not be included.
        Andy Howard has notes on further details of the proposed
   o The level of commitment to implementing the format from both
     commercial and non-commercial participants was very high.
   o A task list and corresponding task groups was defined.
       Andy Howard will report on this.
   Forgive me for the items which I've forgotten. I'll add items to this
   list if there are suggestions.
   Best Regards,


New topics
D76.1 Core CIF Dictionary - revision to accommodate Acta C Notes for Authors
As far back as the beginning of the year, COMCIFS gave implicit approval
for the introduction of new data names required by Acta Crystallographica
Section C (see circular 54). These were mostly changes of nomenclature to
deprecate the use of the terms "thermal displacement", "estimated standard
deviation" and "observed". These changes have been worked up into formal
definitions which are listed in an appendix to this mailing. There is one
additional data name that falls outside of this group, and that is
"_reflns_number_Friedel". I would ask you to check through these
definitions, and let me know of any errors, ambiguities or lacunae. I shall
post the complete dictionary on the web as version 2.1beta1 on 28 November,
to permit general public scrutiny, and request formal approval at the
beginning of 1998. This is a convenient opportunity to submit additional
data items that you feel are lacking from the Core.

D76.2 Maintenance of the mmCIF dictionary
The preceding item is a reminder of the need to have an efficient rolling
program for maintaining the published dictionaries. It is my hope that the
work that I've been doing with John and Herbert will provide a protocol for
the effective management of a truly distributed dictionary. In the meantime,
the mmCIF working group has proposed its own modus operandi for taking the
macromolecular dictionary to the next release. This scheme has been posted
publicly on the mmCIF discussion list, and I reproduce it here for the
information of COMCIFS members. I consider the model of an editorial board
rather attractive, and invite members to consider whether it could be an
appropriate model for COMCIFS itself. This proposal has been put together by
Helen Berman and Paula Fitzgerald.

   Dear Colleagues,
   As a result of discussions during and subsequent to the mmCIF Software
   Developers' Workshop that was held at Rutgers October 17-19, 1997, we have
   written a plan for managing the extension of the mmCIF Dictionary. We
   present it here for your information and comments.
   As noted in item 2.4 below, all comments and reviews will be carried out via
   the mmCIF listserver.
   Helen Berman
   Paula Fitzgerald
   A Plan for Extending the mmCIF Dictionary
   	The following outlines the plan by which the evolution of the mmCIF
   dictionary will be managed. This plan would ensure timely additions to the
   dictionary,  review by experts in the field, and the assurance that the
   dictionary will remain technically sound. The model is that of a journal.
   1.0 Establishment of a Dictionary Editorial Board
    	1.1 An Editorial Board will be established whose role will be to review
   the proposed new data items. The board members will represent the broad
   category groups of the dictionary. Potential candidates have been identified
   and are being invited to serve.
   	1.2 Paula Fitzgerald, who will serve as Editor, and Helen Berman, who
   will serve as Associate Editor, will be responsible for initial review of
   proposed new data items and for sending them out for review by the
   appropriate member(s) of the board.
   	1.3 Two technical editors, John Westbrook and Herb Bernstein, will be
   responsible for ensuring that the definitions are compliant with the
   dictionary syntax.
   	1.4 The editors will meet on a published schedule several times a
   year. The full board will meet once a year at the ACA meeting and on an
   ad-hoc basis as needed.
   2.0 Procedures for Extending the mmCIF Dictionary
   	2.1 All proposed extensions to the dictionary will be submitted
   to the mmCIF server in the form of a dictionary entry. To facilitate this, a
   definition template will be made available on the mmCIF server.
   	2.2 The proposed definitions will receive a preliminary review by the
   editorial staff and will then be sent to the appropriate board member(s) for
   scientific content review. The reviewers will receive full dictionary
   definitions and will return them with corrections and/or modifications.
   	2.3 Once definitions have been approved they would be put into a
   provisonal extensions dictionary. If the proposed data item was submitted
   with a local data name prefix, that prefix will be removed in the entry in
   the extensions dictionary, but an alias to the local dictionary name (with
   the extension) will be retained.  A policy for retentions times for these
   aliases is under discussion.
   	2.4 The provisional dictionary will be available on the mmCIF server
   and will be updated on a continuing basis.  Members of the community at large
   will be encouraged to monitor the evolution of the extensions dictionary
   via the mmCIF web page, and to comment on all new data items via the mmCIF
   list server.
   3.0 Proposed Timetable for Extending the mmCIF Dictionary
   	3.1 For review of Version 2 extensions, the meeting dates for the
   Editor and Associate Editor will be December 1, 1997, January 12, 1998,
   February 9, 1998 and March 16, 1998.
   	3.2 On April 1, the extensions dictionary will be sent to COMCIFS
   for preliminary technical review.
   	3.3 Full community review will begin on April 15, 1998 and conclude
   on May 16, 1988, at which date the extensions dictionary will be sent to
   COMCIFS for formal approval. Once approved, the extensions dictionary will be
   merged with Version 1.0 of the mmCIF dictionary, and the merged dictionary
   will be published as Version 2.0.

D76.3 Version numbering
A point that arises from the above proposal is the style for numbering
subsequent versions of the dictionaries - Paula and Helen are proposing that
the next release of the mmCIF dictionary with enhanced content should be
version 2.0. I have taken the view with the Core dictionary that the first
(1991) release differs from the current release not only in content, but
also in formalism - DDL version "0" versus DDL 1.4, and that this is the
primary reason for having different major version numbers (i.e. core CIF
versions 1.0 and 2.0.1). Hence I anticipated that the next core release would
be version 2.1, and not 3.0. However, it makes sense that we progress the
versioning according to similar principles across our growing family of
dictionaries. I have no objections to increasing the major version number
with each addition of significant content (other than the slight worry I
have when I use the emacs editor version 19.16 that the authors could
surely have got it right before now!), but I'd like to hear what other
members think.

Best wishes

                    APPENDIX Changes to the core CIF Dictionary

The core dictionary is a large enough document that it is inconvenient to 
post, and difficult enough to extract unambiguously the changes between
versions. I therefore include here some indications of the changes that
have been made, but encourage you to download and look at the full version
to resolve any ambiguities that you find. the full version is at 

The following data blocks have been modified. ("<" flags data blocks that
have been deleted, ">" ones that have been added. Deletions from the older
dictionary file indicate that a composite definition has been broken up into
multiple definitions in the newer dictionary - for example to indicate that
an "..._obs" data name should be replaced by a "..._gt" one.)

> data_atom_site_adp_type
> data_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full
> data_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max
> data_diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean
< data_diffrn_reflns_theta_
> data_diffrn_reflns_theta_full
> data_diffrn_reflns_theta_max
> data_diffrn_reflns_theta_min
< data_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_
> data_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_all
> data_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_gt
> data_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_obs
> data_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref
< data_refine_ls_R_factor_
> data_refine_ls_R_factor_all
> data_refine_ls_R_factor_gt
> data_refine_ls_R_factor_obs
< data_refine_ls_restrained_S_
< data_refine_ls_shift/esd_
> data_refine_ls_restrained_S_all
> data_refine_ls_restrained_S_gt
> data_refine_ls_restrained_S_obs
> data_refine_ls_shift/esd_max
> data_refine_ls_shift/esd_mean
> data_refine_ls_shift/su_max
> data_refine_ls_shift/su_mean
< data_refine_ls_wR_factor_
> data_refine_ls_wR_factor_all
> data_refine_ls_wR_factor_gt
> data_refine_ls_wR_factor_obs
> data_refine_ls_wR_factor_ref
> data_refln_include_status
< data_reflns_number_
> data_reflns_number_Friedel
> data_reflns_number_gt
> data_reflns_number_observed
> data_reflns_number_total
> data_reflns_threshold_expression
> data_reflns_shell_meanI_over_sigI_gt
> data_reflns_shell_number_measured_gt
> data_reflns_shell_number_unique_gt
> data_reflns_shell_percent_possible_gt
> data_reflns_shell_Rmerge_F_gt
> data_reflns_shell_Rmerge_I_gt

The following definitions are new (the unusual layout here is a feature of
the software I have used to extract these items from the full dictionary

_name    	'_atom_site_adp_type'
_category    	atom_site
_type    	char
_list    	yes
_list_reference    	'_atom_site_label'

    Uani 'anisotropic Uij' 
    Uiso 'isotropic U' 
    Uovl 'overall U' 
    Umpe 'multipole expansion U' 
    Bani 'anisotropic Bij' 
    Biso 'isotropic B' 
    Bovl 'overall B' 

;              A standard code used to describe the type of atomic displacement
               parameters used for the site.

_name    	'_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_full'
_category    	diffrn
_list    	yes
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0:1.0
;         Fraction of unique (symmetry-independent) reflections measured
          out to _diffrn_reflns_theta_full.

_name    	'_diffrn_measured_fraction_theta_max'
_category    	diffrn
_list    	yes
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0:1.0
;         Fraction of unique (symmetry-independent) reflections measured
          out to _diffrn_reflns_theta_max.

_name    	'_diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean'
_category    	diffrn_detector
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
_units    	mm^-1^
_units_detail    	'pixels per millimetre'
;              The resolution of an area detector, in pixels/mm.

_name    	'_diffrn_reflns_theta_full'
_category    	diffrn_reflns
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0.0:90.0
_units    	deg
_units_detail    	'degrees'
;              The diffractometer theta angle (in degrees) at which the 
               measured reflection count is close to complete. The fraction
               of unique reflections measured out to this angle is given by

_name    	'_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_gt'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_type_conditions    	esd
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The least-squares goodness-of-fit parameter S for
               significantly intense reflections, (see
               _reflns_threshold_expression), after the final cycle of
               refinement. Ideally, account should be taken of parameters
               restrained in the least squares. See also
               _refine_ls_restrained_S_ definitions.

                   {  sum | w | Y(obs) - Y(calc) |^2^ |  }^1/2^
               S = { ----------------------------------- }
                   {            Nref - Nparam            }

               Y(obs)  = the observed coefficients
                         (see _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef)
               Y(calc) = the calculated coefficients
                         (see _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef)
               w       = the least-squares reflection weight
                         [1/(sigma squared)]
               sigma   = standard uncertainty

               Nref   = the number of reflections used in the refinement
               Nparam = the number of refined parameters

               and the sum is taken over the specified reflections

_name    	'_refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ref'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_type_conditions    	esd
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The least-squares goodness-of-fit parameter S for all
               reflections included in the refinement, after the final cycle
               of refinement. Ideally, account should be taken of parameters
               restrained in the least squares. See also
               _refine_ls_restrained_S_ definitions.

                   {  sum | w | Y(obs) - Y(calc) |^2^ |  }^1/2^
               S = { ----------------------------------- }
                   {            Nref - Nparam            }

               Y(obs)  = the observed coefficients
                         (see _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef)
               Y(calc) = the calculated coefficients
                         (see _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef)
               w       = the least-squares reflection weight
                         [1/(sigma squared)]
               sigma   = standard uncertainty

               Nref   = the number of reflections used in the refinement
               Nparam = the number of refined parameters

               and the sum is taken over the specified reflections

_name    	'_refine_ls_R_factor_gt'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              Residual factor for the reflections (with number given by
               _reflns_number_gt) judged significantly intense (i.e. satisfying
               the threshold specified by _reflns_threshold_expression)
               and included in the refinement. The reflections also satisfy
               the resolution limits established by _refine_ls_d_res_high and
               _refine_ls_d_res_low. This is the conventional R
               factor. See also _refine_ls_wR_factor_ definitions.

                   sum | F(obs) - F(calc) |
               R = ------------------------
                         sum | F(obs) |

               F(obs)  = the observed structure-factor amplitudes
               F(calc) = the calculated structure-factor amplitudes

               and the sum is taken over the specified reflections

_name    	'_refine_ls_restrained_S_gt'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The least-squares goodness-of-fit parameter S' for 
               significantly intense reflections (satisfying
               _reflns_threshold_expression) after the final cycle
               of least squares. This parameter explicitly includes
               the restraints applied in the least-squares process.
               See also _refine_ls_goodness_of_fit_ definitions.

                    {sum | w | Y(obs) - Y(calc) |^2^ |                   )^1/2^
                    (         + sum~r~ | w~r~ | P(calc) - P(targ) |^2^ | }
               S' = { -------------------------------------------------- }
                    {            N~ref~ + N~restr~ - N~param~            }

               Y(obs)   = the observed coefficients
                          (see _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef)
               Y(calc)  = the observed coefficients
                          (see _refine_ls_structure_factor_coef)
               w        = the least-squares reflection weight
                          [1/square of standard uncertainty (e.s.d.)]

               P(calc)  = the calculated restraint values
               P(targ)  = the target restraint values
               w~r~     = the restraint weight

               N~ref~   = the number of reflections used in the refinement
                        (see _refine_ls_number_reflns)
               N~restr~ = the number of restraints
                        (see _refine_ls_number_restraints)
               N~param~ = the number of refined parameters
                        (see _refine_ls_number_parameters)

               sum     is taken over the specified reflections
               sum~r~  is taken over the restraints

_name    	'_refine_ls_shift/su_max'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The largest ratio of the final least-squares parameter
               shift divided by the final standard uncertainty.

_name    	'_refine_ls_shift/su_mean'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_related_item    	'_refine_ls_shift/su_mean'
_related_purpose    	replace
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The average ratio of the final least-squares parameter
               shift divided by the final standard uncertainty.

_name    	'_refine_ls_wR_factor_gt'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              Weighted residual factors for significantly intense reflections
               (satisfying _reflns_threshold_expression) included in the
               refinement.  The reflections also satisfy the resolution
               limits established by _refine_ls_d_res_high and
               _refine_ls_d_res_low.  See also the _refine_ls_R_factor_

                    ( sum | w | Y(obs) - Y(calc) |^2^ | )^1/2^
               wR = ( --------------------------------- )
                    (         sum | w Y(calc)^2^ |      )

               Y(obs)  = the observed amplitude specified by 
               Y(calc) = the calculated amplitude specified by 
               w       = the least-squares weight

               and the sum is taken over the specified reflections

_name    	'_refine_ls_wR_factor_ref'
_category    	refine
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              Weighted residual factors for all reflections included in the
               refinement.  The reflections also satisfy the resolution
               limits established by _refine_ls_d_res_high and
               _refine_ls_d_res_low.  See also the _refine_ls_R_factor_

                    ( sum | w | Y(obs) - Y(calc) |^2^ | )^1/2^
               wR = ( --------------------------------- )
                    (         sum | w Y(calc)^2^ |      )

               Y(obs)  = the observed amplitude specified by 
               Y(calc) = the calculated amplitude specified by 
               w       = the least-squares weight

               and the sum is taken over the specified reflections

_name    	'_refln_include_status'
_category    	refln
_type    	char
_list    	yes
_list_reference    	'_refln_index_'

;                                     satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_high
                                      satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_low
                                      exceeds _reflns_threshold_expression
;                                     satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_high
                                      satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_low
                                      does not exceed
    - 'systematically absent reflection' 
    x 'unreliable measurement -- not used' 
    h 'does not satisfy _refine_ls_d_res_high' 
    l 'does not satisfy _refine_ls_d_res_low' 

_enumeration_default    	o

;              Classification of a reflection so as to indicate its status with
               respect to inclusion in refinement and calculation of R factors.

_name    	'_reflns_number_Friedel'
_category    	reflns
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0:
;              The number of Friedel equivalent reflections in the _refln_
               list. Friedel equivalent reflections may be treated as
               independent reflections in the least-squares refinement
               because, although related by symmetry, they may differ in
               intensity owing to inelastic scattering.

_name    	'_reflns_number_gt'
_category    	reflns
_type    	numb
_enumeration_range    	0:
;              The number of reflections in the _refln_ list (not the
               _diffrn_refln_ list) that are significantly intense,
               satisfying the criterion specified by
               _reflns_threshold_expression. They may include Friedel
               equivalent reflections according to the nature of the
               structure and the procedures used. The item
               _reflns_special_details describes the reflection data.

_name    	'_reflns_threshold_expression'
_category    	reflns
_type    	char
_example    	'I>2\s(I)'
;              The threshold, based on multiples of \s(I), \s(F^2^) or \s(F),
               that serves to identify significantly intense reflections,
               the number of which is given by _reflns_number_gt. These
               reflections are used in the calculation of 

_name    	'_reflns_shell_meanI_over_sigI_gt'
_category    	reflns_shell
_type    	numb
_list    	yes
;              The ratio of the mean of the intensities of the significantly
               intense reflections (see _reflns_threshold_expression) in
               this shell to the mean of the standard uncertainties of the
               intensities of the significantly intense reflections in the
               resolution shell.

_name    	'_reflns_shell_number_measured_gt'
_category    	reflns_shell
_type    	numb
_list    	yes
;              The number of significantly intense reflections
               (see _reflns_threshold_expression) measured for this
               resolution shell.

_name    	'_reflns_shell_number_unique_gt'
_category    	reflns_shell
_type    	numb
_list    	yes
_enumeration_range    	0:
;              The total number of significantly intense reflections
               (see _reflns_threshold_expression) which are
               symmetrically unique after merging for this resolution shell.

_name    	'_reflns_shell_percent_possible_gt'
_category    	reflns_shell
_type    	numb
_list    	yes
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The percentage of geometrically possible reflections
               represented by significantly intense reflections
               (see _reflns_threshold_expression) measured for this
               resolution shell.

_name    	'_reflns_shell_Rmerge_F_gt'
_category    	reflns_shell
_type    	numb
_list    	yes
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The value of Rmerge(F) for significantly intense reflections
               (see _reflns_threshold_expression) in a given shell.
                           sum~i~ ( sum~j~ | F~j~ - <F> | )
               Rmerge(F) = --------------------------------
                               sum~i~ ( sum~j~ <F> )
               F~j~  = the amplitude of the jth observation of reflection i
               <F> = the mean of the amplitudes of all observations of
                      reflection i
               sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
               sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.

_name    	'_reflns_shell_Rmerge_I_gt'
_category    	reflns_shell
_type    	numb
_list    	yes
_enumeration_range    	0.0:
;              The value of Rmerge(I) for significantly intense reflections
               (see _reflns_threshold_expression) in a given shell.
                           sum~i~ ( sum~j~ | I~j~ - <I> | )
               Rmerge(I) = --------------------------------
                               sum~i~ ( sum~j~ <I> )
               I~j~  = the intensity of the jth observation of reflection i
               <I> = the mean of the intensities of all observations of
                      reflection i
               sum~i~ is taken over all reflections
               sum~j~ is taken over all observations of each reflection.