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Re: IUCr congress - CompComm nominations and suggested symposia -

Just a comment - we have run various CCP4 Study weekends/ workshops, and 
the ones where automation is a key theme tend to be very boring and 
reduce to salesman style talks - of course automation is important and 
many people want it, but they do not make up the audience at a Computing 
school!. What is interesting is the decision making behind the 
automation. I think you should reword your topics to emphasize that:

Eg Decision making for Automation of Data acquistion  ( there could be 
talks on both small and macro molecular approaches, and prob. powder as 

Decision making for refinement protocols

and so on..


Lachlan Cranswick wrote:

>Based on feedback and replies - following is the list of suggestions for CompComm
>topics for the Japan.
>- Automation and interfacing methods in Macromolecular Crystallography
>- Automation and interfacing methods in single crystal and powder diffraction
>- New algorithms for macromolecular crystallography
>- New algorithms for single crystal and powder diffraction
>- Algorithmic developments for solving structures
>- Validating structures by use of crystallographic databases
>- New algorithms for incommensurate, non-periodic and magnetic crystallography
>- Methods and algorithms for linking diffraction with non-diffraction information
>- Crystallographic algorithm libraries
>Lachlan M. D. Cranswick
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