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Draft CIF twin dictionary for approval

  • To: Distribution list of the IUCr COMCIFS Core Dictionary Maintenance Group <coredmg@iucr.org>
  • Subject: Draft CIF twin dictionary for approval
  • From: David Brown <idbrown@mcmaster.ca>
  • Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 11:48:28 -0400
Dear Colleagues,

After many years of gestation, a draft CIF dictionary of items for describing twinning in crystals is now available.  It is attached to this email which is being circulated to the core CIF Dictionary Management Group for your approval, this being the final step in the formal COMCIFS approval process.  If you are receiving this message you are invited to review the attached draft and either indicate your approval, or draw attention to potential problems, by replying to the core DMG list at coredmg@iucr.org.  When approved the twinning dictionary will become an addendum to the coreCIF dictionary. 

The draft is open for review for six weeks ending  on 11 November 2013.  If you have not replied by then, it will be assumed that you approve of the attached document as circulated.  If any questions are raised we will try if possible to resolve them within the review period. 

The dictionary is also available at the URL https://github.com/jamesrhester/twinning-dic

I look forward to receiving your response.

David Brown
Chair of the core CIF Dictionary Management Group

#                                                                            #
#         CIF Twinning Definitions                                           #
#                                                                            #
# This dictionary contains draft names and definitions of twinning data items#
# recognised by the International Union of Crystallography for the exchange  #
# of data between laboratories and submissions to journals and databases.    #
#                                                                            #
# The STAR/DDL dictionary to which this dictionary conforms                  #
# is available as the file "ddl_core.dic"                                    #
# located at URL ftp://ftp.iucr.org/pub/cifdics/ddl_core_1.4.1.dic           #
#                                                                            #

    _dictionary_name            cif_twinning.dic
    _dictionary_version         0.6
    _dictionary_update          2013-09-13
    2012-07-25 Created from Victor Young's draft text. JRH
    2012-08-20 Added category definitions and corrected _list for 
               _twin_lattice_type. JRH
    2012-08-21 cosmetic changes such as arranging the items 
               alphabetically and added queries for VY. I.D.Brown
    2012-08-28 Inserted changes from V. Young as per I.D. Brown's
               comments; removed _example_detail for twin category; corrected
               _list_reference for _refln_ category; added explanation for
               _refln_F_squared_ . JRH
    2012-08-31 Added _twin_special_details with example from VY. JRH
    2013-01-17 Corrected equation defining F_calc. JRH
    2013-01-18 Moved _refln_ items into separate _twin_refln category and
               rewrote definitions for clarity.
    2013-03-13 Added missing _twin_refln_index_ . JRH
    2013-03-25 IDB: Added enumeration range to 
               _twin_individual__mass_fraction_refined and rewrote 
               the definition 
               Rewrote the definition of _twin_individual_twin_matrix
               Raised queries about what the _twin_refln category 
               is actually recording.
    2013-05-09 JRH: corrected _twin_refln_F_calc equation; added
               _list_reference to _twin_refln_h,k,l definition;
               fiddled with _twin_individual_twin_id definition text
    2013-06-26 JRH,VY: added further example to TWIN category
    2013-06-26 some syntax and formatting errors corrected (BM)
    2013-06-27 IDB Changed  _twin_refln_observed_status to  
               Added the twin_contibution category
               Reworked the twin_refln category to change the list reference
                to _twin_refln_datum_id (name changed from _*_datum_index
               Made some improvements to the definitions.
               Converted space group symbols to CIF conventions
               Arranged items in alphabetic order to conform 
                to other dictonaries.
    2013-07-11 JRH edited examples to reflect proposed changes from IDB
    2013-07-29 VGY modified examples to comply with IDB's suggested changes 
               (see below). These are within comments, but not yet integrated
               into the text of the document. Added nmt for non-merohedral
               twin into data_twin_lattice_type. Somehow this was removed.
    2013-08-16 VGY made corrections as directed by JH in examples 2 and 3. 
               Removed work for these examples from commented text and 
               integrated into document. Updated example 1 to include explicit 
               _twin_contribution items for individual 2.
    2013-09-02 JRH edited in latest examples from VGY after email discussion               
    2013-09-03 JRH: move lattice_twin_type into twin_individual category; add
               'ref' lattice twin type. Changed _twin_contribution_twin_id to
    2013-09-03 VGY: improve example to include single-contributor reflections 
               coming from different individuals.
    2013-09-13 IDB: Changed _refln_twin to _twin_refln, 
               improved the wording of some definitions, corrected syntax errors, 
               added _twin_refln_include_status, 
               removed '_mandatory yes' from _twin_refn_index_
               Rearranged the order of items in some examples to put the 
               list reference first.

## TWIN      ##

    _name                 '_twin_[]'
    _category             category_overview
    _type                 null

;    Data items in the TWIN category record general details about
     the nature of the twinning in the sample.
     Terminology for twin dataname definitions was taken directly from:
     "International Union of Crystallography Commission on Mathematical 
     and Theoretical Crystallography Research themes: Crystal twinning"
     by Massimo Nespolo, February 3, 2009.
     http://www.crystallography.fr/mathcryst/twins.htm . 

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    _twin_formation_mechanism         gt
    _twin_dimensionality              triperiodic
    _twin_morphology                  polysynthetic
    ;        This is an example of a twin in space group P 32
             by the 2 x,x,0 twin operation.

          1 0.545(2) ref   1  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  1
          2 0.455(2) mt_II 0  1  0  1  0  0  0  0 -1

            1  -1   1 -32    1
            2   1  -1  32    1
            1   0   1 -32    2      
            2   1   0  32    2
            1   1   1 -32    3      
            2   1   1  32    3
            1  -3   2 -32    4     
            2   2  -3  32    4
            1  -2   2 -32    5      
            2   2  -2  32    5
            1  -1   2 -32    6      
            2   2  -1  32    6
            1   0   2 -32    7      
            2   2   0  32    7
            1   1   2 -32    8       
            2   2   1  32    8
            1  -2   3 -32    9      
            2   3  -2  32    9
            1  -1   3 -32   10      
            2   3  -1  32   10 

          1    1  -1   1 -32     40.17     55.86      7.39 o        
          2    1   0   1 -32    125.83    145.63      9.36 o        
          3    1   1   1 -32     10.33     30.89      7.39 o        
          4    1  -3   2 -32     28.26     26.84      9.47 o        
          5    1  -2   2 -32      4.31     13.21      9.78 o        
          6    1  -1   2 -32     10.71     17.48      9.88 o        
          7    1   0   2 -32     13.94     37.66     10.51 o         
          8    1   1   2 -32     58.60     75.41      9.88 o        
          9    1  -2   3 -32     27.75     41.40      8.01 o        
         10    1  -1   3 -32     59.22     65.53      8.11 o       

# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 The twinning example presented above shows twinning by merohedry for
 a trigonal crystal system. The simulated space group is P 32 2 1, but
 the true space group is P 32. The twin operation chosen is 2: x,x,0 in
 P 32 2 1 corresponding to operation (by rows) 0, 1, 0 / 1, 0, 0 / 0, 0, -1
 (see table of Internation Tables for Crystallography Vol A).

 The twin_contribution loop shows which reflection from which twin 
 contributes to the diffraction peak identified by 

 The twin_refln loop gives the properties of each diffraction peak
 (identified by _twin_refln_datum_id) which is indexed 
 to one of the twin individuals.
 Because this is an example of merohedral twinning, 
 all the diffraction peaks can be indexed to the reference twin 
 (_twin_refln_individual_id = 1).  
 In cases of non-merohdral twinning some diffraction peaks 
 would have to be indexed to different twin individuals.  

 In each of the loops shown in this example the first item(s) on a line 
 is(are) the list reference.  While the list reference must be present 
 in every loop, it may be placed at any point on the line.

    _name                  '_twin_dimensionality'
    _category              twin
    _type                  char
    _list                  no
    loop_ _enumeration
              triperiodic   'common lattice in three dimensions'
              diperiodic    'common lattice in two dimensions'
              monoperiodic  'common lattice in one dimension'
   The degree of overlap between the twin lattices.  
   Most Twin Lattice Symmetry (TLS) and Twin Lattice Quasi-Symmetry (TLQS) 
   twins as defined by Donnay and Donnay (1974, Can. Mineral. 12, 422-425) 
   will be triperiodic.  

    _name         '_twin_formation_mechanism'
    _category     twin
    _type         char
    _list         no
        gt    'growth twin formed during crystal growth''
        tt    'transformation twin formed during phase transition'
        mt    'mechanical twin formed as a result of mechanical action'
     A description of the method of twin formation.

    _name       '_twin_morphology'
    _category   twin
    _type       char
    _list       no
        contact        'separated by a surface'
        penetration    'sharing a volume'
        simple         'individuals are not repeated'
        polysynthetic  'individuals repeat in approximately linear arrangement'
        cyclic         'individuals repeat in closed edifice'

 The physical relationship of the different twins to one another.

    _name            '_twin_special_details'
    _category         twin
    _type             char
    _list             no
    Individuals 3 and 4 arise from form (I) following an
    enantiotropic phase transition by sudden cooling in
    a cryostat to 173K. 
    Information about twinning in the sample not contained in other data items.


    _name                      '_twin_contribution_[]'
    _category                    category_overview
    _type                        null
    Items in the twin_contribution category identify the datum_id of the 
    observed diffraction peak to which the reflection defined by
    _twin_contribution_index_h, k and l and _twin_contribution_individual_id
   3     1   0   0     1
   1     1   0   0     1
   3     2   0   0     2
   1     2   0   0     2
   3     3   0   0     3
   1     3   0   0     3
   3     4   0   0     4
   1     4   0   0     4
   3     5   0   0     5
   1     5   0   0     5
   4     6   1   2     6
   3     6   0   0     6
   2     6   1   2     6
   1     6   0   0     6
   2     6   2   2     7
   1    -6   1   0     7

   This listing corresponds to seven observed diffraction spots from a
   simple four-component twin by non-merohedry.  The corresponding
   F^2 data is presented in the _twin_refln example.

     _name            '_twin_contribution_datum_id'
     _category         twin_contribution
     _type             char
     _list             yes
     Each observed diffraction peak is assigned a unique _*_datum_id.
     The observed structure factor of this diffraction peak 
     may contain contributions from more than one twin.
     These contributions are identified by the Miller indices 
     of the reflection from the twin identified by _*_individual_id. 

    loop_ _name              '_twin_contribution_index_h'
    _category                 twin_contribution
    _type                     numb
    _list                     yes
    _list_mandatory           yes
;    Miller indices of a reflection from a the twin 
     identified by _*_individual_id. 
     The values of the Miller indices must correspond to 
     the cell defined in the cell category
     combined with the transformation matrix for the twin individual 
     identified by _twin_contribution_individual_id.
     Together with _twin_contribution_individual_id it creates 
     a unique list_reference for items in the this list.
     _name                    '_twin_contribution_individual_id'
     _category                twin_contribution
     _type                    char
     _list                    yes
     _list_link_parent        '_twin_individual_id' 
    _list_mandatory           yes
      The unique identifier for the twin individual.  
      The identifier must match a _twin_individual_id in the 
      twin_individual category.  
      Together with _twin_contribution_index_h, *_k, *_l it creates 
      a unique list_reference for items in the this list.


    _name            '_twin_individual_[]'
    _category        category_overview
    _type            null
;        Data items in the twin_individual category describe properties 
         of each twinned individual, and the symmetry relationships 
         between the individuals.
     _name                '_twin_individual_id'
     _category            twin_individual
     _type                char
     _list                yes
     _list_mandatory      yes
      The unique idenifier for this twin individual. 
      The twin for which _twin_individual_twin_matrix 
      is the identity matrix is called the reference twin.  
      It is recommended that the reference twin be labelled '1'. 

     _name             '_twin_individual_mass_fraction_refined'
     _category		  twin_individual
     _type             numb
     _type_conditions	  esd
     _list             yes
     _list_reference	  '_twin_individual_id'
     _enumeration_range 0:1.0
      The refined mass fraction of this twin individual; the sum
      of all mass fractions must equal unity within the limits of 
      experimental uncertainty.

    _name                     '_twin_individual_twin_lattice_type'
    _category                 twin
    _type                     char
    _list                     yes 
    loop_ _enumeration
               ref        'reference twin'
               mt_I       'merohedral class I (simple inversion)'
               mt_II      'merohedral class II (mirror or twofold)'
               mt_I+II    'class I and II simultaneously present'
               rmt        'reticular merohedral'
               pmt        'pseudo-merohedral'
               rpmt       'reticular pseudo-merohedral'
               nmt        'non-merohedral'
       Identification of the symmetry relationships between the 
       twin lattices as described in International Tables 
       for Crystallography Vol C, Chapter 1.3.  
       The twin with the identity matrix should be denoted as 'ref'.

     loop_ _name          '_twin_individual_twin_matrix_11'
     _category            'twin_individual'
     _type		          numb
     _list		          yes
     _list_reference	     '_twin_individual_id'
     Elements of the matrix U that multiplies the Miller indices h,k,l 
     of the reference twin to give the Miller indices h',k',l', 
     of the twin specified by _twin_individual_id 

                         [h'k'l'] = U.[hkl]

     It follows that the reference twin must have U = I, the identity matrix. 

## twin_refln ##

    _name                      '_twin_refln_[]'
    _category                    category_overview
    _type                        null
    Items in the twin_refln category tabulate the calculated values of F^2 
    for each peak observed in the diffraction pattern, 
    together with the measured value of F^2.
    The calculated F^2 for an observed peak is a weighted sum 
    of the contribution of all the twin components.
    loop_ _example
# - Example 1  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
      1   1   0   0   1
      3   1   0   0   1
      1   2   0   0   2
      3   2   0   0   2
      1   3   0   0   3
      3   3   0   0   3
      1   4   0   0   4
      3   4   0   0   4
      1   5   0   0   5
      3   5   0   0   5
      4   6   1   2   6
      3   6   0   0   6
      2   6   1   2   6
      1   6   0   0   6
      1  -6   1   0   7
      2   6   2   2   7


   1   1   0   0        0.47        1.03      0.18 o  1
   2   2   0   0     1300.45     1290.01     55.59 o  1
   3   3   0   0        2.34        2.59      0.42 o  1
   4   4   0   0       32.45       30.98      1.47 o  1
   5   5   0   0        2.19        1.97      0.96 o  1
   6   6   0   0        0.95        1.55      1.14 o  1
   7  -6   1   0        0.08        0.47      1.06 o  1

# Description of Example 1
   This listing describes seven observed diffraction peaks corresponding
   to the diffraction peaks listed in the _twin_contributions_ example.

# ---- Example 2 ------------------------------------------------------
      1  1  -6  -3  620 
      1 -1   6   3  621
      2 -1   6   3  622  
      1 -1  -6  -3  623
      2 -1  -6  -3  624 
      1  1   6   3  625
      2  3  -6   1  625
      2 -3   6   3  626
      1  3  -6  -3  626
      1  3   6   3  627
      2 -3  -6  -3  627
      2 -3   6   5  628
      1 -5  -6  -3  628
      2 -5  -6  -3  629
      1  5   6   3  629

   620   1   1  -6  -3      200.22      207.88      3.35 o  
   621   1  -1   6   3      225.34      224.15      3.62 o   
   622   2  -1   6   3      184.64      196.34      3.95 o    
   623   1  -1  -6  -3      173.28      181.13      3.06 o   
   624   2  -1  -6  -3      143.40      152.05      2.78 o   
   625   1   1   6   3      204.45      204.38      4.48 o   
   626   1   3  -6  -3      240.97      241.19      3.75 o   
   627   1   3   6   3      288.54      281.53      4.31 o   
   628   1  -5  -6  -3      179.56      176.35      5.36 o   
   629   1   5   6   3      235.04      238.84      4.06 o   
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
 This example is taken from Colombo, et. al, (2000) 
 Inorg. Chem. 39, 4621. 
 Two structures of nitronium tetranitratogallate
 are reported as a result of an enantiotropic phase transition. 
 The higher temperature phase is in the tetragonal space group I-4, 
 while the lower temperature phase is a twin by non-merohedry 
 in space group I2. 
 The individuals are enantiomorphic as a result of the phase transition. 
 In the listing below it is clear that datums 620 - 624 do not contain 
 overlapping reflections, whereas datums 624 - 629 contain overlapping 

     _name            '_twin_refln_datum_id'
     _category         twin_refln
     _type             char
     _list             yes
     _list_mandatory   yes
     _twin_refln_datum_id is the list reference and serves 
     to identify an observed diffraction peak 
     that may include contributions from one or more twin components.  
     The observed and calculated structure factors indexed by
     _twin_refln_datum_id include the contributions from all the twins.  
     The diffraction peak is optionally indexed by 
     _twin_refln_index_h, _*_k and _*_l for the this reflection 
     contributed by the twin component given by_twin_refln_individual_id.  
     Only one such indexing is allowed, the choice of which 
     to include is arbitrary.

	Each value of _twin_refln_datum_id may only appear once in the list.

    _name                        '_twin_refln_F_squared_calc'
    _category                    twin_refln
    _type                        numb
    _list                        yes
    _list_reference              '_refl_twin_datum_id'

        Calculated value for the overall squared structure factors (in
        electrons squared for X-ray diffraction) arising from all 
        the twin contributions to the peak defined by _twin_refln_datum_id.  
        The total contribution from all twins to a single observed
        reflection is modelled according to the method of Pratt, Coyle
        and Ibers (1971, J. Chem. Soc. A, 2146) as follows:

        _twin_refln_F_squared_calc =

              = osf*Sum{mass_fraction*_refln_F_squared_calc}

         Where osf is the overall scale factor 
         and the sum is taken over all the twin components that contribute
         to this diffraction peak.

    _name                        '_twin_refln_F_squared_meas'
    _category                    twin_refln
    _type                        numb
    _list                        yes
    _list_reference              '_refl_twin_datum_id'

         The obsderved value F^2 of the peak referenced by 
         _twin_refln_datum_id. This is typically the observed peak
         intensity after Lorenz and polarisation corrections.

    _name                        '_twin_refln_F_squared_sigma'
    _category                    twin_refln
    _type                        numb
    _list                        yes
    _list_reference              '_refl_twin_datum_id'

            Standard uncertainty of _twin_refln_F_squared_meas

     _name               '_twin_refln_include_status'
     _category           twin_refln
     _type               char
     _list               yes
    _list_reference      '_refl_twin_datum_id'
    loop_ _enumeration
;            (lower-case letter o for 'observed')
             satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_high
             satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_low
             exceeds _reflns_threshold_expression
;            satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_high
             satisfies _refine_ls_d_res_low
             does not exceed _reflns_threshold_expression
     -       'systematically absent reflection'
     x       'unreliable measurement -- not used'
     h       'does not satisfy _refine_ls_d_res_high'
     l       'does not satisfy _refine_ls_d_res_low'
          _enumeration_default         o

    A symbol indicating how the reflection is treated during refinement.

    loop_ _name              '_twin_refln_index_h'
    _category                 twin_refln
    _type                     numb
    _list                     yes
     Miller indices of a reflection from the twin component 
     labelled by _refl_twin_individual_id. 
     The values of the Miller indices must correspond 
     to the cell defined for this twin component.  

     _name               '_twin_refln_individual_id'
     _category           twin_refln
     _type               char
     _list               yes
     _list_link_parent   '_twin_individual_id' 
    _list_reference      '_refl_twin_datum_id'
      The unique identifier of the twin individual 
      whose Miller indices are given in _twin_refln_index_.  
      The ID must match a _twin_individual_id in the 
      twin_individual category.  

fn:I.David Brown
org:McMaster University;Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research
adr:;;King St. W;Hamilton;Ontario;L8S 4M1;Canada
title:Professor Emeritus
tel;work:+905 525 9140 x 24710
tel;fax:+905 521 2773

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