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[dddwg] Zenodo: just a few loose ends to answer the other queriesposed in this thread

Dear Colleagues,

Following Brian's early analysis and suggestion for further work posted on the forum yesterday, just a few loose ends to answer the other queries posed in this 'Zenodo'  thread:-

The raw diffraction images dataset I deposited at Zenodo has both specific and general metadata included via the Pilatus diffraction image headers and the preprint I included (supplemented by my answers to the prompts at Zenodo).

I used Zenodo, rather than my University of Manchester data repository on this occasion, for two reasons:-
(i) to demonstrate a generic all welcoming raw data deposition repository; so, yes, the funding agencies Open Science vision including raw data has arrived, and we as a community cannot postpone it ie we have to learn how to engage with it asap not least as I imagine new research funding will come with it!
(ii) I tried Zenodo as a practice since I collaborate with universities that do not have their own data repository and instead they wish me to use Zenodo.

I made a (short) survey of Zenodo crystallography deposition behaviors; they are mainly zipped files, but also individual diffraction images.

The 'header of an Eiger image lacking metadata' was something I was alerted to at Basle. I believe Herbert et al are working on it.....

The Rovinj Workshop 'metadata compilation' action, now that a year has gone by, does need to be reported on. (thank you for the timely reminder). We will chase this up ASAP with those charged to take this onl.

Have a good weekend,
John (and Brian)

Emeritus Prof of Chemistry John R Helliwell DSc_Physics
Perspectives in Crystallography

Skills for a Scientific Life

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