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Re: [ddlm-group] Close quotes not followed by whitespace

You are correct that we have agreed that CIF2 treats a close quote followed by non-whitespace as a syntax error.  A not inconsiderable quantity of bytes and time were spent reaching this decision.

On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:13 PM, Joe Krahn <krahn@niehs.nih.gov> wrote:
CIF2 no longer skips close-quotes that are not followed by whitespace. I
assume that close-quotes still need trailing whitespace, and that it is
simply a syntax error for a close quote followed by non-whitespace.

Therefore, it should be possible to allow CIF1 input for backwards
compatibility by accepting these invalid close-quotes on input. That
should help minimize conflicts with adopting CIF2. The only input that
would be misinterpreted would be a quote character written as """, most
software will have written as '"', using the opposite quote character.

So, this:


is just a syntax error in CIF2, or can be accepted as a line-folded ";"
in CIF1.

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