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Re: [ddlm-group] CIF 1.5
- To: Group finalising DDLm and associated dictionaries <ddlm-group@iucr.org>
- Subject: Re: [ddlm-group] CIF 1.5
- From: "Herbert J. Bernstein" <yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com>
- Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 10:29:15 -0500 (EST)
- In-Reply-To: <4B15341C.4010801@mcmaster.ca>
- References: <279aad2a0911301535y3abf9ef2l8f8f31a7e2c9120@mail.gmail.com><alpine.BSF.2.00.0911301907230.1755@epsilon.pair.com><279aad2a0911301930p4ac515e6m5047d276575a5f90@mail.gmail.com><20091201100130.GB20378@emerald.iucr.org><4B15341C.4010801@mcmaster.ca>
Dear Colleagues, I respectfully disagree. Indeed, I strongly disagree with almost every aspect of the recent CIF 2 decisions. However, I have had my say. Let us finish the design of something and get it into use. Regards, Herbert ===================================================== Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121 Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769 +1-631-244-3035 yaya@dowling.edu ===================================================== On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, David Brown wrote: > Before we close off the discussion on CIF1.5 I just want to put in my final 2 cents > worth. > > As I mentioned before, I see no point in introducing CIF1.5 which will only muddy the > waters and lead to total confusion. CIF1.5 is quite unnecessary. > > 1. Legacy software will not be able to read CIF1.5 any more than it will be able to > read CIF2.0 files, so we might as well go directly to CIF 2.0. And how quickly will > the legacy software be converted to output CIF1.5 files anyway. You need a 10 year > lead time for changes in packages such as SHELX and another decade before people > upload the latest version. Even then they will produce CIF1.1 output that they can > load into their other programs. > > 2. For the forseable future DDLm applications will have to have a CIF1.1 lexer and a > preparser to convert legacy files into CIF2.0 mode. > > 3. What dictionaries will be used for files written in CIF1.5? It will be difficult > enough to find volunteers to convert DDL1 to DDLm, and I have no idea if there are > any plans to convert DDL2 to DDLm dictionaries. If CIF1.5 will use DDLm then why not > just go straight to CIF2.0? > > 4. CIF2.0 datafiles can look almost exactly like CIF1.1 datafiles except for a few > datanames and some undelimited data values that include forbidden characters. Most > people will not notice the difference between CIF2.0 files and regular old fashioned > CIFs. Indeed many CIF1.1 data files could probably be read in with CIF2.0 parsers > without a problem. The biggest problem are the DDL2 datanames that contain > 'U[1][2]', but these are not found in DDL1. Since the whole DDL2 data archive is > centrally held I assume could it could be easily converted (if it was thought > worthwhile), If there are problems in DDL1 they are confined to one or two > datanamens. Undelimited data values containing illegal characters could be a > problem. The CIF1.1 lexer and preparser mentioned in 2 above will deal with all of > these. > > 5. DDLm does not require that its lists, vectors and matrices be entered as arrays. > dREL allows all of these new CIF2.0 constructs to be reconstituted from their > primitives as required. > > The future as I foresea it will see everone carrying on with current software and > CIF1.1 datafiles as long as they want. CIF2.0 software will be developed to take > advantage of the new features, but with a CIF1.1 front end to carry out the minimal > required conversion to CIF2.0, such applications will be able to read all existing > and future CIFs of every stripe. Eventually CIF1.1 legacy software will die or be > converted to CIF2.0 and the rest of the world will painlessly convert to to CIF2.0 > data files, probably without the ueser even noticing. > > I think we are imagining monsters lurking behind trees even in a treeless desert. > > CIF1.5 should be dropped and not resurrected, and I am prepared to debate this with > Herbert privately (so as not te waste everyone else's time) if he is not convinced. > > David > > > > Brian McMahon wrote: > > Dear Colleagues > > I agree with James. The remit of this group was to finalise DDLm. An > early conclusion was that this necessarily involved syntax changes at > the STAR level, and the consequent discussions have revolved around > the idea of providing a specification for CIF (essentially at the > syntax level) that took advantage of these syntactic changes and > allowed uniform handling of CIF data files and DDLm dictionaries. For > me, the immediate benefit of these discussions has been a much more > complete account of what needs to be done upstream, at the STAR level, > to accommodate the changes that are desirable in downstream (CIF and > DDLm applications) at some point. > > So, for example, the STAR spec needs formally to be revised to allow > Unicode character sets (certainly UTF-8, which is what we settled on > for CIF; as far as I recall, it's still possible that the STAR > revision could allow other Unicode encodings that Herbert needs > for imgCIF, and I'd be interested in knowing whether the new spec > could also allow the inclusion of full binary data streams so that > CBF could properly become one of the STAR family of formats). There > must also be the new delimiter characters and formal rules for > handling list items. > > We've developed these conclusions by using various use cases and > Gedankenexperimente, but we've not, in the main, been driven by the > need to meet real problems currently difficult of solution in the > community. Indeed, recent work with embedded visualisation scripts and > incorporation of TeX mathematical fragments into CIFs destined for > publication in Acta show that there's much more that can still be > achieved within the existing syntactic framework. > > So let us complete the job of finalising the specifications (STAR++, > DDLm, CIF2.0), and then involve the wider community in discussing > how, when and if they are to be implemented. > > Brian > > On Tue, Dec 01, 2009 at 02:30:09PM +1100, James Hester wrote: > > Dear Herbert and colleagues, > > Little quibble: I wrote 'one more type' rather than 'more than one type'. > > Anyway, I suggest that we concentrate on finalising CIF2.0 syntax, then put > a draft out for discussion in the broader community, and if there is > sufficient feedback to the effect of 'we need an intermediate format', then > we can address the issue of CIF1.5. Addressing it now distracts us from the > task of putting CIF2.0 to bed, which we will still need to do in any case. > > On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Herbert J. Bernstein < > yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com> wrote: > > Dear James, > > Please look at the following part of your first paragraph: > > > "with a commitment to support CIF1.1 for the long term and a guaranteed way > to distinguish the two types of data files." > > and please look at the following part of your second paragraph > > > "Furthermore, they now have to support one more type of file going into the > future." > > I seem to be missing something. If we are going to support CIF 1.1 for > the long term and we are going to have CIF 2 be a very different file type, > then it is not CIF 1.5 that will cause software devlopers to have > to support one more file type going into the future, but the fundamental > decisions made by this group. > > If you support CIF 1.1 and a very different CIF 2, then you are going to > end up with mixed files, i.e. multiple ad hoc CIF 1.5 (or actually CIF > 1.55) files. All I am doing is proposing to formalize what is going to > happen anyway. > > I've had my say. > > > Regards, > Herbert > > > ===================================================== > Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science > Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121 > Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769 > > +1-631-244-3035 > yaya@dowling.edu > ===================================================== > > On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, James Hester wrote: > > (Note to those reading this later: this continues a thread started within > > the 'space as > list item separator' thread. I recommend reading those messages before > continuing on > here). > > (For those who came in late: > We flirted with the idea of a minimally disruptive path from CIF1.1 to > CIF2.0 back in the > beginning of this group (late September/early October, I believe) , and > ended up choosing > to define one maximally disruptive CIF2.0 standard together with a > commitment to support > CIF1.1 for the long term and a guaranteed way to distinguish the two types > of data files.) > > Picking up the CIF1.5 discussion... > Introducing CIF1.5 is a further source of confusion. Apart from this, it > produces extra > workload for software authors. Herb has essentially defined CIF1.5 as > CIF1.1 plus new > syntactical elements (or in other words CIF2.0 minus character set > limitations and UTF8). > So in order to support CIF1.5, authors of both CIF reading and CIF writing > software have > to add this new syntax. Then when they decide to support CIF2.0, they > have to once again > revisit their software. I would have thought it far more sensible to ask > them to update > and distribute their software only once. Furthermore, they now have to > support one more > type of file going into the future. > > I see absolutely no benefit in this idea. > > On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Herbert J. Bernstein < > yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com> wrote: > Dear James, > > The point is that we will need to make it easy for people working > with > CIF 1 and CIF 1.1 based tools to cobble together valid CIF 2 data. > The > most important bit will be a way to include vectors and matrices in > their > data. This will allow them to do it. > > Please note that it hase taken several years to just get to the > point > where we are beginning to rigorously define CIF 2. If we are lucky, > it > will only take a few years to have a full set of tools to allow users > and software writers to reliably produce true CIF 2 data. > > Regards, > Herbert > > ===================================================== > Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science > Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121 > Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769 > > +1-631-244-3035 > yaya@dowling.edu > ===================================================== > > On Tue, 1 Dec 2009, James Hester wrote: > > Dear Herbert: as CIF 1.1 doesn't define lists, I'm not sure why you > suggest that the > example below is a valid tag. > > On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 12:36 AM, Herbert J. Bernstein > <yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com> > wrote: > Sorry something got lost in the prior message. It should have > read: > > Dear Colleagues, > > Back to the question of commas. If you accept the > desirability of having a CIF 1.5, commas in lists > become very useful. Someone with > a CIF 1.1 editor will be able to prepare a CIF 1.5 file > for many useful cases by doing all lists with commas > and no embedded blanks as long as they can make their > lists fit on single lines. > > In CIF 1.1 > > [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] > > is a valid value for a tag, but > > [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9]] > is not. > > No, neither example is a valid CIF 1.1 tag. CIF 1.1 explicitly > excludes brackets as the first character of a non-delimited string. > > > Having the option of commas in lists will help to smooth > the transition for at least some people. > > _______________________________________________ > ddlm-group mailing list > ddlm-group@iucr.org > http://scripts.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/ddlm-group > > > >
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