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Re: [ddlm-group] Draft audit.schema,looping proposal available on Github
- To: ddlm-group <ddlm-group@iucr.org>
- Subject: Re: [ddlm-group] Draft audit.schema,looping proposal available on Github
- From: James Hester <jamesrhester@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 14:06:14 +1000
- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113;h=mime-version:in-reply-to:references:from:date:message-id:subject:to;bh=htxa2DvV7a28dTwD3utBFeH6KZwSOvWfqktDdzAqC5A=;b=lwKBh1TWKipcXWnVqBzEuP8/TMnbJ4574nEZ247xzJUYC4VY4Bq7BcZ0tZlxdYyMenOjIQ9mibjyprn6e1BkjcsVK4W9PA2vH6ZAf9VyKXNx5YX5cBNsmVgWp2Joy3ku5TVb/IpzDHmLwBu1yVlifbnsrUDYgJTBO6rjwHTbGtq3PGdoGMq9J2UBTe791fIwovOAJbkiYEVKf9dsiiYj5R2I7dhxcWlHJyE1fC130nN0AE6Zh31suUKpst2nBe0gH0FPz1+fqll7R8NT4829aKuETFNaDLLy0ToGQL35gJr7iyCW4QtAp+YMUq+zVHosSWk9r98wMDOtR6OkOPxD3g==
- In-Reply-To: <CAM+dB2caK30_b0MQ8suAEm5ACTcPBiudAmL43upBf8ajVNVZHg@mail.gmail.com>
- References: <CAM+dB2eyzpHtsyuO_wJfDay3v3e1ckhqKVk8xn=ENE_viFKVPw@mail.gmail.com><CAM+dB2caK30_b0MQ8suAEm5ACTcPBiudAmL43upBf8ajVNVZHg@mail.gmail.com>
Dear DDLm group,
I have now placed on the Github draft documentation site a raw (https://github.com/COMCIFS/comcifs.github.io/blob/master/cif_sym.dic) and annotated (https://github.com/COMCIFS/comcifs.github.io/blob/master/cif_sym.dic.annotated.md) version of a symmetry CIF dictionary constructed according to the audit.schema + hub and spokes proposal. The intention is that this dictionary is a full example of how an extension dictionary would work; it is *not* intended as the full dictionary to be submitted for approval. In particular, I have left out (with a comment) changes to some further categories that do not add to the example, and I believe that the SPACE_GROUP category could serve as the hub category rather than creating a new category for this purpose.Once we are happy with this example, I will forward the audit_schema proposal to cif core.
On 1 August 2016 at 17:39, James Hester <jamesrhester@gmail.com> wrote:
James.best wishes,Dear DDLm group,This is just to let you know that I've added a further proposed change to the current draft cif_core dictionary (merging many cell_* categories back into one cell category). The rationale is explained in the revised document (https://github.com/COMCIFS/comcifs.github.io/blob/master/looping_proposal.md as before) in point (vi) of the "Domain dictionaries" section. This came up as I was preparing the example symmetry dictionary. As always you may comment on this thread or raise in issue at Github.
On 13 July 2016 at 10:31, James Hester <jamesrhester@gmail.com> wrote:Dear DDLm group,As promised I have put together a draft proposal based on the outcome of the recent discussion around allowing datanames to become looped. It is available on our draft documentation area on GIthub, link https://github.com/COMCIFS/comcifs.github.io/blob/master/looping_proposal.md. Note that this file is actually a plain text file with minimal markup included, allowing Github to produce a nicely formatted document when you click the link. The audience of this document will include CIF developers, COMCIFS and the cif core dictionary maintenance group.
To comment on or improve this document you may either continue in this email thread, or open an issue on Github (the 'Issues' tab on the above linked page), or create a Github account, clone the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. If you would instead like direct editing rights, let me know your Github account name and I'll add you to the list. Note that all documents on Github are version controlled, so there is no danger of being unable to revert changes.
I suggest we allow two weeks for the DDLm group to fiddle with the proposal. Once this group is comfortable with the proposal, I will ask both the core CIF DMG and the cif-developers email list for their comments/approval, and then obtain COMCIFS approval. I am aware that the northern hemisphere summer holidays are in full swing and so not all members will be in a position to immediately comment, however, both the core cif DMG and COMCIFS steps will require at least 6 weeks, so everybody will have a chance to comment in one of those fora.One further document that I plan to prepare as a complete worked example of the system is the symCIF replacement dictionary.James.
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