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I have edited the proposal accordingly, available at https://github.com/COMCIFS/comcifs.github.io/blob/master/looping_proposal.md . Nicely-formatted differences can be viewed at the following link:
As this is simply a question of where these definitions will reside, I suggest that any discussion of this change proceed in parallel with the current approval cycle for cif_core.
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[ddlm-group] Adjustment to the hub-spoke proposal
- To: ddlm-group <ddlm-group@iucr.org>
- Subject: [ddlm-group] Adjustment to the hub-spoke proposal
- From: James Hester <jamesrhester@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2016 12:31:35 +1000
- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113;h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to;bh=ekzJ7YKaOip773l+6Ixt1byy4vSoeVJCZQGISSMeVbI=;b=B6FgLugdRYq5h4biCGPI9Y3eVJ3/RVfEWSQIFVn04Xb++/zgKYKPx5y7GFlT2plAQmYGfAmsg2qswLdmcuUM1ngndJVt66IGxjxzuzqpBiJ4iUllVmTcy/Igvwy/tGTDYF8pDBnBudVnQ7Y90d8UkG6tdQKE3R2VB05u/jftYIvs6RcL+bo96hmzv43zqdlFAv3QOpz5O46cUHYfI41N5ekn1O/cvhO7ezhWzS1m+/x7KbpsBSkfYL0ljj42GYZwa0LS61TWMzXsy+CKPVuM0nYQC0o0psfuvikA3KJfFfF0OUQmbV0kgw+7f2t1Fmhfujj+D1dCgtzSBnx6nHz21Q==
Dear DDLm group,
I'm in the process of preparing an updated cif_core dictionary including the various changes discussed here over the last few months. One of those changes was to include an 'entry' category with accompanying key, and all categories in cif_core would have child keys of this key. Doing this makes explicit the linkage between datanames by virtue of being encapsulated within the datablock. It occurs to me that the entry category and child keys could just as well be put into an external expansion dictionary, which would declutter the core dictionary and therefore make the core dictionary more straightforward to understand.https://github.com/COMCIFS/comcifs.github.io/commit/07b80b9480c3ee35634fabba8ce030f7e8326d8f?short_path=ff1cc73#diff-ff1cc73387fc3f4701db9643eee05da7
As this is simply a question of where these definitions will reside, I suggest that any discussion of this change proceed in parallel with the current approval cycle for cif_core.
all the best,
T +61 (02) 9717 9907
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