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[ddlm-group] Third and final proposal to enhance dREL
- To: ddlm-group <ddlm-group@iucr.org>
- Subject: [ddlm-group] Third and final proposal to enhance dREL
- From: James Hester <jamesrhester@gmail.com>
- Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2018 16:29:51 +1000
- DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20161025;h=mime-version:from:date:message-id:subject:to;bh=+YLTRVqzs+DaGssntPjabPR7FRRbXOKRM/oX7V+6GcA=;b=alsWw6GYJ6gEfHUfqfkUGezpgxfudNwISx7Gi79txeJXMQQUSKSL19VvV3ZYZQopAS8ezmiWYz7Et8zZPDicUGNGYu5DO0TkpYzt+arPSGOSmdppaDGDcLFFO6LesU/GsACMfgQmS+ac8SO4qoF0MyYUmMmgdAqy7rBuUfSCPkCuOj2VdnNdwNMi6G18yj82/Av29W5tcXW/q4PrS9zvsuhhSi9KK/KVVQfmxC6s+Q+6PIc/x4F8RqFD3g82zcnFbBz2c7Ok9lMPd3mxEm253DgTSqUVwikg0F1pQQDwa3IpKxjQbd16pG05iWJA/A6w/K8PozZTRcOi/vUlMoop9A==
Dear DDLm group,
Please see below my final proposal for enhancements to dREL. This one is somewhat more substantial, but concerns only built-in functions and an altered execution context for an unused aspect of dREL/DDLm. I urge you to try and pick holes or find better ways to encode validation in dREL, as these ideas are being presented in public for the first time. I will leave this on the table for a while, meanwhile implementing these built-in functions and trying them out with some Validation methods. Given a positive outcome of any discussion here and at Github, I would plan to fold these changes into a '1.0' version of DDLm for publication on our website and inclusion in the next edition of Volume G.
This proposal may also be read as more nicely formatted text at https://github.com/COMCIFS/dREL/blob/master/drel_changes_3.rst , and comments in the 'Issues' tab there are welcome.
Proposed changes to dREL, part III
dREL is a machine-actionable language describing data relationships
and designed to be embedded in DDLm dictionaries. The language is
defined both explicitly in the dREL publication [1] and implicitly by
the dREL code appearing in the DDLm core CIF dictionary. Note that
the code in the core CIF dictionary significantly expands the language
presented in the paper, for example, by adding category methods.
The present proposals concern the built-in functions that are
supported by dREL. No syntax changes or enhancements are proposed.
Proposal 5: enhance meaning of 'Validation' methods
It is proposed that a ``_method.purpose`` of ``Validation`` will imply
that all DDLm attribute categories may appear as variables within the
associated dREL method, and that the values of these attributes are
those for the data name being validated. Additional predefined
variables ``value`` and ``category`` are bound to the particular value
and loop being validated.
DDLm requires that each method have an associated ``_method.purpose``.
The current DDLm attributes dictionary defines ``Evaluation``, ``Validation``
and ``Definition``. The ``Validation`` purpose is given as
method compares an evaluation with existing item value
This type of method appears only once in the DDLm core dictionary, to
show how the crystal system can be checked against the cell parameters.
This could equally well be performed by creating a data name whose
``Evaluation`` dREL method returns ``True`` if the conditions are met.
The present proposal therefore suggests repurposing Validation methods for
more general validation by providing them with access to all attributes
of the definition of any data name that they are used to check. This allows
the methods to confirm, for example, that a value for a data name matches
the list of allowed enumerated values.
Note that currently, all categories from the dictionary in which a
dREL method appears can appear as pre-defined variables in that dREL
method, with values obtained from an associated data block. This proposal
enhances that list with the attributes for the definition of the data name
being checked.
The ``category`` and ``value`` pre-bound variables are required in order
to represent the generic value(s) being checked.
The following code finds enumerated values that are not allowed. It
would appear in the definition for a data name
``valid.bad_enumerated_values``. The ``enumeration_set`` variable
contains the contents of the ``enumerated_set`` category in the
definition for a given data name, and ``value`` is bound by the
execution environment to the particular value being checked. The
execution environment is responsible for collating values of this
data name for each data name in the data block being checked.::
# Check that a value is listed in an enumeration
found = 'False'
# Loop over enumerated states in the definition for this
# data name
loop e as enumeration_set {
if (value == e.state) found = 'True';
valid.bad_enumerated_value = found
Proposal 5: Extra validation functions
It is proposed to add the following functions to the list of those
allowed in dREL methods:
The value of ``attribute`` in the
dictionary definition of ``name`` is returned. Both ``attribute`` and
``name`` are either string literals or string-valued variables. Where
the result would be a loop, an appropriate dREL category object would
be returned.
Returns an instance of category ``category`` in the data block
provided to the dREL method.
Returns specific data corresponding to ``object`` in ``container``.
The functional equivalent of the syntax ``cat.obj``,
where ``cat`` is the value of ``container`` and ``obj`` is the value of
``object``. If ``container`` is a category, the row must be
unambiguous from context, if necessary using the resolution rules
of the proposals in Part II.
The functional equivalent of ``cat[k1=val1,k2=val2,...]``
where ``cat`` is the value of ``category`` and ``keys`` is the dictionary
evaluates to true if a value for the object referenced by
``name`` can be found, false otherwise. If ``name`` does not resolve
to a ``category.object`` reference, or the particular row of a
multi-row category is unknown, will return false.
A dREL method for checking conformance to requirements arising out of
DDLm attributes (for example, that a value is drawn from a list of values
of a different data name) cannot have 'hard-coded' ``<category>.<object>``
names, as the method would no longer be applicable to all data names.
The above functions are therefore required to provide access into categories
and data in a generalised way.
Return the contents
of the ``enumerated_set`` loop in the definition of ``atom_type.symbol``.
``Loop i as Instance( Reference( name.linked_item_id,'_name.category_id'))'``
Loop over all rows of the category
containing the data name contained in variable
``name.linked_item_id``. Note that ``name.linked_item_id`` is not
contained in quotes and therefore will be assigned the value given in the
definition of the data name being validated. The ``Reference`` function returns
a string naming the category of the linked data name, and the ``Instance``
function takes that string and returns a category object that is populated
with the values in the data file.
Finding values that are not child values. ::
# Find values that are not those of the linked data name.
result = 'False'
linked_object = Reference(name.linked_item_id,'_name.object_id')
loop i as Instance(Reference(name.linked_item_id,'_name.category_id')) {
if (PacketData(i,linked_object) == value) result = 'True'
valid.is_child_key = result
Finding and returning repeated values of a key data name as the
value of data name ``valid.not_unique``. Note the use of variable
``category`` to refer to the loop being checked. ::
# find key values that are not unique.
not_unique = []
# Accumulate keys
keylist = []
# get the object id for each key data name
Loop k as category_key {
keylist ++= Reference(k.name,'name.object_id') #Append
Loop c as category {
new_val = []
for ko in keylist {
new_val ++= PacketData(c,ko) #Append
if (new_val in keylist) {
not_unique ++= new_val
else {
keylist ++= new_val
valid.not_unique = not_unique
Proposal 6: Extension of 'in' to substrings
It is proposed that the construction ``<string1> in <string2>`` be interpreted
as a boolean statement that returns true if ``<string1>`` is a substring of
``in`` in dREL is currently only applied to testing membership in a
List or Array. dREL as published proposes using the ``Substr``
function to test for membership of a string in another string. This
could be more economically performed using the ``in`` keyword without
compromising the use for Lists or Arrays. This also accords with the
use of ``in`` in Python.
Proposal 7: Removal of built-in functions
The following functions are proposed for removal from the list of
provided functions:
TopLo, TopHi (sorting low->high, high->low)
functionality duplicated by combinations of sort() and reverse()
functionality replaced by Proposal 6.
[1] Spadaccini et. al,
(2012) *J. Chem. Inf. Model.* **52**(8) pp 1917-1925
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