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Rules for good use of a list

Dear Brian,
  How easy is it for you to configure the initial message that a
subscriber to a list receives? It might be some good to include
something along the lines of my note to COMCIFS that you copied in the
recent circular. i.e. good choice of subject, good use of Re:, one
subject only per message, and anything else likely to make the
discussions easier to thread. (This sprung to my mind in reading Peter
Murray-Rust's Re: (77) of the COMCIFS discussion. His remarks have
nothing to do with the title!).
 No rush. Does anyone have any other comments on this. Here is a copy of
part of my missive to COMCIFS.

> One has to
> insist that the mail list users make correct use of the "Subject" so the
> mail reader may identify the threads, and try and teach them to send
> several messages each containing  comments on one single subject rather
> than one message with many subjects.

BTW. Oh no, I'm not supposed to do that!

Best wishes,
Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone:(+41 22) 702 62 49
24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax:(+41 22) 781 21 92

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