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Web server in Paris

Change of Web server in the forthcoming weeks:

The Web server in Paris will be changed in the coming weeks. The new one
is a PIII 550MHz running Linux.

The old one is located after our firewall which damages the
performances. The new one will be placed in the demilitarized area in
front of it, which should enhance the performances. 

This change should be transparent. However tests are made during the
day, thus do not be surprised if Paris is recovering files from Chester
or Geneva during the day.

I will let you know when it will be installed.


   Professor Yves Epelboin, LMCP, Université P.M. Curie, 
   case 115, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France
   phone : +33 (0)1 4427 5211  fax : +33 (0)1 4427 3785
   URL http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin/

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