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I received a circular from execsec concerning various preparations for
IUCr 2002 in Geneva. The circular is for chairs and secretaries of
Commissions and IUCr Representatives on other bodies. Since I am the
IUCr's representative to ICSTI, I received a copy. I guess that Brian
received the same piece of paper because he is the representative to

Most of the content concerns the complicated arrangements for proposals
for members of commissions. The actual voting for commissions is done by
the general assembly. The CEP is not a commission but a committee
appointed by the executive committee so we are not concerned.

However the important point in execsec's circular is as follows:
  "Please remember the deadline of 7 March 2002 for the submission of
budgets from Commissions to the Executive Committee."

Whether we are a commission or not, we should send in a budget. I
enclose my first drafts (marked version 24 October 2001) of budgets for
the CEP and for ICSTI. Please give them a look over and let me know what
I have forgotten.



  Budget for the IUCr Comitttee on Electronic Publication, Dissemination
   and Archiving of Information for 2002

 Version 24th October 2001
[1]  GBP 1000.- Student technical editorial work on IUCr web information

[2]  USD 4000.- NeXus CD-ROMs.

[3]  CHF 650.-  ICSTI/CODATA/UNESCO Seminar on Digital Preservation,
                14th - 15th February 2002, Paris

[4]  CHF 600.- Visit to IUCr editorial offices, November 2002 .
                (Hotel + travel)

[5]  ??????     World Directory of Crystallography

[6]  ??????     Discussions with APLSP on consortia selling

  Budget for IUCr Membership and Representation in ICSTI for 2002

  Version: 24 October 2001

[1] Annual subscription 2002
      FRF 4000.- 

[2] Winter Committee meeting, Paris, January 2002
      GBP  250.- Travel and hotel costs

[3] 2002 AGM  23rd - 27th May 2002, Stockhom, Sweden
       USD  500.- Registration - an estimate
    +  CHF  780.- Hotel 5 nights
    +  CHF  600.- Airline flight


VISITING GENEVA? See http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/geneva02.html

Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: +41 22 702 62 49
24 quai Ernest-Ansermet             mailto:Howard.Flack@cryst.unige.ch
CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland                   Fax: +41 22 702 61 08

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International Union of Crystallography

Scientific Union Member of the International Science Council (admitted 1947). Member of CODATA, the ISC Committee on Data. Partner with UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in the International Year of Crystallography 2014.

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