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Re: EPC-L: 1000 batch run of Xtal Nexus CD-ROMs

Yes well done indeed Lachlan.

I'd like 5 of the new run. I also could grab some of Andrea's and
Execsec's lot when I come to Chester in a few weeks time. Easier and
cheaper than sending them to Geneva.

For Brian's information, I still have 10 of the year 2000 run and would
be prepared to give him 5 of them. I could bring them along when I come
to Chester. Please confirm or deny this kind offer so I put them in the
right place now.

Please send an announcement about the new issue of CD-ROMs to the IUCr
Newsletter Editor. News.online@iucr.org has already worked out for
himself that an announcement in What's New would be worthwhile as well.
Do you have the artwork on-line somewhere he can make a colour splash?


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Howard Flack        http://www.unige.ch/crystal/ahdf/Howard.Flack.html
Laboratoire de Cristallographie               Phone: +41 22 702 62 49
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