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	Since Andy seems to be all alone on this bulletin board I will 
volunteer to keep him company, speaking in my role as chair of COMCIFS, 
the IUCr committee charged with the approval of cif extensions.

	I would like to comment on the question of binary or ascii.  One 
of the basic rules of cifs is that they must be in ascii and it is not 
easy at the moment to see how one could arrange an escape in the middle 
of a file to allow the inclusion of binary.  From the point of view of 
comcifs, the use of binary files is definitely a problem and we would 
like to see ascii used throughout.  There may be constructive ways of 
dealing with the problem, but the simplest would be to keep everything in 

			Best wishes

				David Brown

Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, 
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
1-(905)-525-9140 ext 24710

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International Union of Crystallography

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