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Re: CIF or NOT CIF, (or nothing)

In reply to Andy's 5 options...

1) Not very keen on ASCII encoding - would presumably increase file sizes.

2) Sounds plausible BUT the actual binary image files will not have any
   defining information within themselves - so back to square 1 or worse
   if the header file gets misplaced.

3) I do not really know what you mean - sorry.

4) In many ways this sounds the best, though would there be problems with
   ftp transfers?

5) Don't give up yet!


Andy's 5 options:
>   1: CIF based, using encoding to convert binary data to ASCII
>   2: CIF based "header file", using file pointers to point to binary file(s)
>   3: CIF based "graphics" description of binary data
>   4: Break with existing CIF to at least some extent, probably because a
>      file contains binary data. This could be "CIF" sections within a binary
>      files, or could be any other non-CIF format.
>   5: Do nothing. 

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