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Too little too late?

I have not subscribed to the listserver until today, so I am unaware
of any of the postings since Andy was sending around e-mail.  I
thought it might be useful to post a description of the file format
which we use, but if the group has moved past this stage, please feel
free to ignore this message.  If anyone is interested in any of these
routines, you can get the source from
anonymous@dark.rose.brandeis.edu  pub/filec.tar.Z

The Makefile in lib/filec will create a little library of these
routines.  There is a demo program called file_test (in the same
directory) which will utilize some of them.  The makefiles are setup
to work correctly on SGI-IRIX.
This code can be freely used, modified and distributed.

Marty Stanton



The SMV file structure consists of an ASCII header, optionally
followed by binary data.  The header must contain enough information
about the binary data to allow it to be read.  It can also contain
additional application-specific information which might be ignored by
a general purpose file reader.  The binary data could be of any form,
as long as it is defined in the header.

Most of these routines were written by Marty Stanton.  Jim Pflugrath
contributed to the design of the ASCII header and made many modifications and
bug fixes.

ASCII Header
The header has the format:


The header always starts with a '{' and the end of the header
information is marked with a '}'. Each field has format:


where both the KEYWORD and VALUE are ASCII strings of any length.
The only required keyword is HEADER_BYTES.

For example, a 2-d image (DIM=2) of size (2048x2048) of type
unsigned short with byte order big endian might have have the
following header:

DIM=    2;
SIZE1= 2048;
SIZE2= 2048;

Information after the '}' is ignored by parsing routines.
The header is usually padded with space characters up to a multiple of 512

Typically the header would also contain application-specific information
such as:

DIM=    2;
SIZE1= 2048;
SIZE2= 2048;
ION_CHAMBERS=      672542      672542;
FRAME_TIME= 60.00;
TOTAL_TIME= 64.00;
COMMENT= The following field are use for detector debugging ; 

Most programs would simply ignore all the fields after BYTE_ORDER.

It is not necessary that the file contain any binary data.  For example,
my detector calibration parameter files look something like:

X_CENTER=    510.2730408;
Y_CENTER=    510.8538513;
X_SCALE=     10.0619507;
Y_SCALE=      9.9388723;
RATIO=      0.9877679;
VER_SLOPE=     -0.0049183;
HORZ_SLOPE=     -0.0020111;
SPACING=      1.0000000;
X_BEAM=    512.0000000;
Y_BEAM=    512.0000000;
X_SIZE=        1024;
Y_SIZE=        1024;
PIXEL_SIZE=      0.1000000;
XINT_START=           1;            
XINT_STEP=           4;
YINT_START=           1;
YINT_STEP=           4;
BAD_FLAG=     1000000;
PSCALE=      0.0100000;
COMMENT=These fields have been added to determine module orientation;
X_MASK_POINTS=          97;
Y_MASK_POINTS=          97;
LEFT___MASK_POINT=     35.940    509.153     40.273    510.854;
CENTER_MASK_POINT=    520.766    512.280    520.273    510.854;
RIGHT__MASK_POINT=   1004.114    508.219   1000.273    510.854;
BOTTOM_MASK_POINT=    521.020     43.390    520.273     30.854;
TOP____MASK_POINT=    517.744    997.533    520.273    990.854;


1.) The header must starts with a '{', ^J, 'HEADER_BYTES=nnnnn;', where
nnnnn is the header length in bytes.  This allows for easy identification
of files.

2.) The end of the header information is marked with a '}'.  The
header is usually padded with space characters up to a multiple of 512
bytes to allow the binary data to be written along block boundries.
A ^L can follow the } so that the unix more command does
not print the binary field following the ascii header.

3.) Each field is of the format:


both the KEYWORD and VALUE are ASCII strings of any length.  The
equals '=' and semicolon ';' are required.  The semicolon is followed
by a ^J.  Keywords are case sensitive.  Whitespace is allowed after
the '=' and before the ';'.

4.) The fields can be in any order.

5.) If there are multiple fields in the header with indentical
keywords, the last occurance should contain the valid data.  This
allows a history to be kept if the file is modified.  For example, a
header might look like:

HISTORY=Cropping from (128,128) to (383,383);
HISTORY=Converting type;

This image was originally 512x512 unsigned_short, but was then 
cropped and converted into a 256x256 floating point image.

ASCII Header Implementation

To manipulate the headers, there are C versions of the following
routines,  There are also FORTRAN versions, but I have not updated
them for several years.  For all these routine, header is a pointer
to a character array sufficiently long to contain the entire
header.  No bounds checking is performed.

clrhd (header)
      Effectively clears the header by resetting the header_bytes
      field.  This always has to be called before a header is filled
      the first time.

      void clrhd ( char* header )

gethd (keyword, value, header)
      Get the value of the field with keyword from the header.
      If mutiple fields have the same keyword, return the value
      from the last one.

      void gethd ( char* keyword, char* value, char* header )

gethdl (headl, header)
      Get the length (headl) of the header (including padding)

      int gethdl ( int* headl, char* header )

      returns -2 if HEADER_BYTES field not found, else 0

gethddl (headl, header)
      Get the length of the data in the header (not including padding)

      int gethddl ( int* headl, char* header )

      returns 0
gethdn (n, keyword, value, header)
      Get the value from the nth occurance of a field with keyword
      from the header.  This routine
      is used to return the value from a field which is not the 
      last occurance of that field.

      int gethdn ( int n, char* keyword, char* value, char* header )

      returns 1 if field n is found, else 0

puthd (keyword, value, header)
      Add a field with keyword and value to the header

      void puthd (char* keyword, char* value, char* header)

padhd (header, size)
      Pad the header to the lowest multiple of size.  This is usually
      used to pad the header up to a multiple of 512 after filling it.
      void padhd (char* header, int size)

SMV Filetypes
I have defined the following filetypes for my use.  Our detector
images are typically written out as unsigned_short.

   Bit unsigned array

   Required keywords:
	DIM (n)
	SIZE1 ... SIZEn

   8 bit unsigned integer array

   Required keywords:
	DIM (n)
	SIZE1 ... SIZEn

   16 bit unsigned integer array

   Required keywords:
	DIM (n)
	SIZE1 ... SIZEn

   16 bit unsigned integer array in compressed format.
   This compression uses run length encoding on the most signiicant
   byte, providing extremely fast, lossless compression.  Typically,
   compression and writing the file is faster than writing the 
   uncompressed file.  Because only the msb's are compressed the
   compression ratio cannot be greater than 2.

   Required keywords:
	DIM (n)
	SIZE1 ... SIZEn

   32 bit signed integer array

   Required keywords:
	DIM (n)
	SIZE1 ... SIZEn

   32 bit floating point array

   Required keywords:
	DIM (n)
	SIZE1 ... SIZEn

   64 bit complex array

   Required keywords:
	DIM (n)
	SIZE1 ... SIZEn

   binary colortable data

   ascii colortable data


Routines to read/write files:

int rdhead ( char* filename, char* head );
	Read a header
	Space for header provided by calling routine

int rdsmv (char* filename, char** head, char** array, 
	   int* naxis, int* axis, int *type)
	Read a SMV file types
	Allocates space for header and data array

int wrfile (char* filename, char* head, char* array, 
	    int naxis, int* axis, int type )
	Write a SMV file
int wrrlmsb (char* filename, char* head, char* array, 
	     int naxis, int* axis, int type )
	Write a unsigned short data array as compressed file

      filename - name of file to open
      head - ascii header
      array - binary data
      naxis - number of array dimensions
      axis - array dimensions
      type - data type

int rdctbl ( char* filename, char* red, char* green, char* blue, int* ncolor,
	    int* control, int* ncontrol, int* mode );
	Read a colortable

int wrctbl (char* filename, char* red, char* green, char* blue, int ncolor,
	    int* control, int ncontrol, int* mode );
	Write a colortable

	red, green, blue    colortable data
	ncolor              number of colortable values
	control             control points used to generate colortables
	ncontrol            number of control points
	mode 		    control mode for each color

int rdmar ( char* filename, char** head, char** array, 
	   int* naxis, int* axis, int *type);
	Read a MAR file and convert header to SMV style
	If there are no overflows, the image is returned in
	an unsigned array, else in an int array.
	Allocates space for header and data array

Routines to swap bytes
int getbo(void);
int swpbyt(int mode, int length, char* array);

Low level io routines
These routines provide optimized IO on VMS computers, and
use standard fopen/fread/fwrite/fclose on UNIX computers.

void dskbor_ (int* lun, char* filename, int* lfilename, int* istat);
	Open file for reading

void dskbow_ (int* lun, char * filename, int* lfilename, 
	      int* size, int* istat);
	Open file for writing

void dskbcr_ (int* lun, int* istat);
	Close a file opened for reading

void dskbcw_ (int* lun, int* istat);
	Close a file opened for writing

void dskbr_  (int* lun, char* data, int* ldata, int* istat);
	Read from a file

void dskbw_  (int* lun, char* data, int* ldata, int* istat);
	Write to a file

void dskbwr_ (int* lun, int* lflag);
	Set/Unset wait for read to complete

void dskbww_ (int* lun, int* lflag);
	Set/Unset wait for write to complete

   filename          Filename
   namlen            length of filename
   lun               Fortran logical unit number
                           currently can be 1,2,3, or 4
   size              For VMS, Size in bytes of file to be opened
                      for writing.  Things work if this
                      is set to 0, they go faster
                      if this is accurately specified, and
                      they don't work if it is too small.
                     For UNIX, ignored.
   length            Number of bytes to read/write
                           currently can be 1 to infinity
                       (or characters in filename)
   istat             Return status, 0 = successful
   buffer            Buffer to read/write
   iwait             For VMS, Flag for asynchronous/synchronous
                           .true. (default) means synch.
                     For UNIX, ignored.

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