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What The Small Mol. Folks Do.

In the core CIF dictionary we have _diffrn_measurement_device, type, and
details.  The sort of thing for device is "oscillation camera" or "kappa
goniometer."  For "details" there are things like local modifications.
"Type" is things like make and model of diffractometer.

I think we're breaking new ground here.


	Robert M. Sweet			E-Dress: SWEET@BNL.GOV 
	Biology Dept.			Phones:
	Brookhaven Nat'l Lab.		516 344 3401  (Office)
	Upton, NY  11973		516 344 5642  (Beamline at NSLS)
	U.S.A.				516 344 3407  (Facsimile)

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