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Re: Removing the '_array_element_size' category or not ?

Hi all,

I just sent my answer to Andy who asked me to forward it to everybody.

Sorry for not answering before. I am very busy with teaching.

> As I mentioned in the previous e-mail, I'd like to consider putting
> the '_array_element_size.size' data item into the 
> '_array_structure_list' category. To me this would seem slightly simpler.

I fully approve. I do not understand why we chose the other solution. Does 
somebody remember?

About units we must make provision for no units. An image may be a simple 2D 
matrix without any units. Thus I suggest to add another "unit" called no_unit.

It means that in all cases it would be mandatory to give a
_array_structure_list.units data item. 

It makes things much safer. 


 Yves EPELBOIN                                          
 E-mail: epelboin@lmcp.jussieu.fr - http://www.lmcp.jussieu.fr/~epelboin
      Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI
      Case  115 -- 4, place Jussieu --  F-75252 Paris Cedex 05
      phone: (00 33)  01 44 27 52 11   --   fax: (00 33) 01 44 27 37 85

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