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Draft imgcif 1.1 dictionary

Thanks to the contributions of Bob Sweet, Paul Ellis, Harry Powell and John
Westbrook we have pulled together a draft of what we hope will become the
next release of the imgCIF dictionary.  You can find it at:


as html with links, and


as pure text.

We have done a little reorganization of existing categories and added some
new tokens to make presentation of frames clearer.  Since the 1.0 dictionary
is a formally adopted dictionary we not formally removed any tags, but
some existing tags have been "deprecated", i.e. it is strongly suggested
that you not use those tags for new work.  Most importantly, the entire
DIFFRN_FRAME_DATA catgeory has been renamed to DIFFRN_DATA_FRAME.

There are also important additions.  Of particular interest should be the
new polarization tags '_diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_norm' and
'_diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_ratio' suggested by Harry Powell, and
the examples of presenting the pixel layouts of detectors, including spiral

Comments, criticism and suggestions for improvement, greatly appreciated.

  -- H. J. Bernstein

  Attached is a short summary of the changes.

   1.1     2001-02-06
   Draft resulting from discussions on header for use at NSLS (HJB)


   + Change '_diffrn_detector_axis.id' to '_diffrn_detector_axis.detector_id'.

   + Add '_diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_device' and change
   '_diffrn_measurement_axis.id' to '_diffrn_measurement_axis.measurement_id'.

   + Add '_diffrn_radiation.div_x_source', '_diffrn_radiation.div_y_source',
   '_diffrn_radiation.polarizn_source_ratio', '_diffrn_scan.date_end',
   '_diffrn_scan.date_start', '_diffrn_scan_axis.angle_rstrt_incr',

   + Add _diffrn_measurement.device to category key

   + Update yyyy-mm-dd to allow optional time with fractional seconds
   for time stamps.

   + Fix typos caught by RS.

   + Add ARRAY_STRUCTURE_LIST_AXIS category, and use concept of axis sets
to allow
   for coupled axes, as in spiral scans.

   + Add examples for fairly complete headers thanks to R. Sweet and P.

****                BERNSTEIN + SONS
****     P.O. BOX 177, BELLPORT, NY 11713-0177
*   * ***
**** *            Herbert J. Bernstein
  *   ***     yaya@bernstein-plus-sons.com
 ***     *
  *   *** 1-631-286-1339    FAX: 1-631-286-1999

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