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[Imgcif-l] Experimental python bindings to CBFlib

Dear Colleagues,

Some experimental python bindings to CBFlib (0.7.7) are now available:


Many thanks to Herbert for hosting these, as well as providing CBFlib 
which is being wrapped up.

The bindings are generated by SWIG and give access to many, but not all, 
of the functions in CBFlib from python. Assuming you've got CBFlib 
already then the download should just add pycbf directory to your CBFlib 
source tree, eg:

%  cd CBFlib
%  make -f Makefile_Linux all
%  make -f Makefile_Linux tests
%  # CBFlib is now up-to-date
%  wget http://blondie.dowling.edu/frs/download.php/297/pycbf.tar.gz
%  tar -zxf pycbf.tgz
%  cd pycbf
%  python setup.py build
%  # your platform might be different
%  cp build/lib.linux-i686-2.4/_pycbf.so .
%  python pycbf_test1.py
%  python pycbf_test2.py
%  python pycbf_test3.py

Any feedback would be most welcome!


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