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Correction of typos

Frances Bernstein very promptly pointed out a number of typos in the
CBF overview. I'm only going to point out the worst one, since the
sense of one paragraph is difficult to understand.

The paragraph which read:

     Since the data may be have been compressed, knowing the numbers
     of elements and size of each element does not necessary tell a
     program how many bytes to jump over, of here it stored explicitly.
     This also means that the reading program does not have encode
     information in the header section section to move through the

should have read:

     Since the data may have been compressed, knowing the numbers
     of elements and size of each element does not necessarily tell a
     program how many bytes to jump over, so here it is stored explicitly.
     This also means that the reading program does not have to decode
     information in the header section to move through the file.

I've taken note of Frances and Yves comments in my version of the text,
but I don't intend to send it out again, unless there are major changes.



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