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Re: imageNCIF

	Andy is moving the imageNCIF forward very nicely.  When it comes 
to the technical aspects of defining binary files I am definitely out of 
my depth, so I will confine my remarks to those appropriate to my role as 
chair of COMCIFS.

	Andy suggests that the new file be called CBF (Crystallographic 
Binary File) and I find this an acceptable name, at least until we have a 
clearer picture of how it fits into the larger scheme, at which point a 
better name may suggest itself.

	I see no problem with COMCIFS taking responsibility for CBF.  
This would eventually have to be cleared with the executive of the IUCr, but 
that is not likely to be a problem once we have a clear proposal.

	The main goal that should be kept in mind when defining the 
file structure is that of longevity and robustness.  The structure should 
not, therefore, be tightly tied to present day systems and technology, 
but should be defined in a way that is still likely to make sense in the 
unforeseeable future and which allows for an open ended extension in the 

	I will monitor the proposals that are made and intervene if I see 
places where there may be conflicts with cif in those parts that are 
suppoosed to be cif compatible, or where I see proposals that are not 
likely to be robust.  Otherwise I will follow the discussion with 
interest to watch how the cbf develops.

			Best wishes


Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, 
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
1-(905)-525-9140 ext 24710

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International Union of Crystallography

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