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Re: Image Headers in cif.

 	Jim Pflugrath has asked what his header would look like if it were
 to be presented as a cif.  I give one possibilty below.  The names are, of
 course, arbitrary at this stage, but they are the names that might
 plausibly be found in a cif dictionary for images.  As with all cif names,
 they tend to suggest the nature of the data item that they define, though 
 this is not a requirement. 
 data_sample  # Every data block starts with 'data_'.  The name 'sample' is 
 # 		user assigned 
 # Any text that follows the # sign on a given line is a comment and is not
 # part of the cif itself.  This convention is particularly useful for 
 # documenting samples like this.
 # It does, however, require the use of line feeds to delimit the lines
 _image_size_dimension 	2
 _image_size_first_dim	3076
 _image_size_second_dim	3076
 _image_size_third_dim	?	# This field is not necessary in this case
 #		but is included to show how undefined fields can be handled
 _image_data_type	usi	# 'usi' is a code defined in the dictionary
 #		that stands for 'unsigned short integer'
 _image_data_endian	big
 _image_compression_type siemens_1
 #	etc. etc.
 # The block ends with end-of-file or the 'data_' name of a new data block.
 	I am not sure what all the numbers in the above example mean as I 
 have not yet had direct experience with image data.  It is possible that 
 there may be better ways of presenting this information in cif format, 
 but this example will give the general idea.
 			David Brown
 Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research, 
 McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
 1-(905)-525-9140 ext 24710

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