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[SA_scat] EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering, Hamburg,19-26 October
- To: <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_scat] EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering, Hamburg,19-26 October
- From: "Dmitri Svergun" <svergun@embl-hamburg.de>
- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:02:02 +0100
- Importance: Normal
- Organization: EMBL Hamburg
Dear All, this is an announcement of the EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules. The message is sent to several listservers, and I apologize if some of you will receive it more than once. With best regards D.Svergun ====================================================== EMBO practical course on Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules The course will take place at the EMBL, Hamburg Outstation, Germany, on 19-26 October 2008 Organizers: D. Svergun, M. Roessle, M. Petoukhov, P. Konarev (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Hamburg Outstation) The course aims at young biochemists/biophysicists and researchers active in related structural methods (protein crystallography, NMR, electron microscopy) with little or no experience in solution scattering. The course will cover basics of SAXS/SANS, instrumentation, data collection, modelling techniques and complementary use with other methods. The students will be encouraged to bring their own samples to perform synchrotron solution scattering experiments on-site and the results will be used for practical tutorials and discussed on the last day of the course. There is no registration fee and accommodation and subsistence will be covered for accepted applicants. Scientists from industry will be required to pay a fee of Euro 1000. Limited travel support could be provided to young scientists working in geographical Europe with the exception of Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium and Ireland. The course materials, preliminary list of speakers and on-line application forms to attend the course are available from http://www.embl-hamburg.de/workshops/2008/embo/. The deadline for applications is 31st July 2008. The applications will be considered by a Selection Committee and the results of the selection procedure will be sent to applicants by E-mail within about four weeks of the closing date. In case of questions about the course, contact Dmitri Svergun (Svergun@EMBL-Hamburg.DE) _______________________________________________ sa_scat mailing list sa_scat@iucr.org http://scripts.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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