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[SA_scat] SAXIER Meeting - Liverpool, 16 Feb 2009

Small Angle X-ray Scattering Workshop: SAXIER, a European Effort 16 February 2009 School of Biological Sciences Lecture Theatre 3 - Life Science Building SAXIER is a Design Study funded under the EC$B!G(Js 6th Framework Programme and gathers the efforts of Europe$B!G(Js major small-angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) laboratories with the goal to explore novel scientific applications. The SAXIER Open Meeting is aimed at promoting this fundamental technique to a wider audience and with the view of extending it to the 7th Framework Programme. For registration please contact Helen Bentley, helenb@liverpool.ac.uk Programme (13:00-17:20, optional tour until 18:15) Samar Hasnain (Liverpool) Welcome Maria Douka (Programme Officer, EU commission) Future of research infrastructures under FP7 Dmitri Svergun (EMBL Hamburg, Germany) Introduction to SAXS and overview of SAXIER Lise Arleth (Copenhagen, Denmark) BioXTAS: Development of a microfluidics system for SAXS investigations of biomolecules in solution Barbara Aichmayer (MPI Potsdam, Germany) Scanning SAXS analysis of biogenic materials Stephan Roth (DESY, Hamburg, Germany) In$B!>(Jsitu investigations of nanocomposite thin film growth Tim Wess (Cardiff University) Planned bio$B!>(J and technological SAXS applications at Diamond Joan Bordas (ALBA, Barcelona, Spain) ALBA, the Spanish Synchrotron, and its potential for X$B!>(Jray scattering and diffraction experiments Guenter Grossmann [j.g.grossmann@liverpool.ac.uk] -- Scanned by iCritical.
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