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[SA_scat] MacCHESS: BioSAXS postdoc position open
- To: Discussion list for the Small-Angle Scattering community <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_scat] MacCHESS: BioSAXS postdoc position open
- From: Richard Gillilan <reg8@cornell.edu>
- Date: Thu, 10 May 2012 15:09:57 +0000
- Accept-Language: en-US
- In-Reply-To: <F80428D1258A264880343743CA2B12CF4B64C5@exmbs1-b51.ansto.gov.au>
- References: <F80428D1258A264880343743CA2B12CF4B64C5@exmbs1-b51.ansto.gov.au>
Note: CHESS has multiple postdoc positions open in various areas of x-ray science. I am posting the BioSAXS ad here, but applicants will automatically be considered for all the positions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job opening: Postdoctoral Associate Biological Small-Angle Solution Scattering (BioSAXS) MacCHESS, Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source The Macromolecular Diffraction Facility of the Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source (MacCHESS) has an opening for a Postdoctoral Associate. Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree in a field relevant to structural biology. Preference will be given to those with experience in x-ray solution scattering on biological systems (SAXS and WAXS). Activities will include automating BioSAXS data processing at the beamline, developing novel microfluidic lab-on-a-chip methods, applying state-of-the art algorithms to BioSAXS data (especially as related to handling mixtures of oligomers), developing CryoSAXS technology, and modeling macromolecular complexes. Experience in developing hardware and software for automation is desirable. Software development will be done primarily in Python. While MacCHESS postdocs are not required to do general beamline user support, they will be expected to help with the biannual BioSAXS Essentials training course. The successful postdoc will take full advantage of the rich variety of high-profile groups visiting MacCHESS by co-authoring publications and collaborating on research. MacCHESS is a heavily team-oriented environment. Good clear communication skills are a must, including fluency in the English language. This position is a 1-year appointment, renewable for up to 3 years total, contingent upon availability of funds and employee performance. The starting date is negotiable. Located on an Ivy League university campus in picturesque upstate New York, the Cornell High-Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS) serves a worldwide user base of structural biologists, chemists, physicists, and engineers. MacCHESS is an NIH-supported National Resource providing support for structural biology at CHESS. Applications should be submitted at http://academicjobsonline.org/ (posting #1522) and should include a cover letter, a CV, a list of publications, and a detailed summary of research experience and interests. Applicants must arrange to have at least three letters of recommendation uploaded, as per instructions on the academicjobsonline website. For information about the position, contact Dr. Marian Szebenyi at dms35@cornell.edu. Cornell is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. _______________________________________________ sa_scat mailing list sa_scat@iucr.org http://mailman.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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