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[SA_scat] Information for users of the Java GUI version of CORFUNC
- To: <sa_scat@iucr.org>
- Subject: [SA_scat] Information for users of the Java GUI version of CORFUNC
- From: <stephen.king@stfc.ac.uk>
- Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 19:19:13 +0000
- Accept-Language: en-GB, en-US
This post is for information for users of the Java GUI enabled version of CORFUNC ('CORFUNC for Windows'). Within the last 2 -3 weeks the Oracle Corporation have released Java 7 (formally Java 1.7.0). If your computer accepts automatic updates you will now most likely have Java 7 Update 5 installed. If you DO have JRE7 U5 installed you may find that CORFUNC no longer starts (a black Windows command box may fleetingly appear then disappear). If this happens it is because the JRE7 installation does not update your Windows SYSTEM (not User) environment variable PATH. You will need to manually edit the PATH variable (*). If you previously had a default installation of JRE6 your PATH variable will include something like ;C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin; . If you accept a default installation of JRE7 all you should need to do is change the \jre6\ to \jre7\ . If you are uncertain as to what this folder specification should be, it should be the location of the application java.exe . Additionally, I can confirm that Java CORFUNC will run as a 32-bit application under Windows 7 on a 64-bit machine using any of JRE7 U5 or recent JRE6 updates. (*) Go Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables Kind regards, Steve King (On behalf of the www.small-angle.ac.uk<http://www.small-angle.ac.uk> team) -- Scanned by iCritical. _______________________________________________ sa_scat mailing list sa_scat@iucr.org http://mailman.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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