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[SA_scat] ATSAS version 2.5
- To: sa_scat@iucr.org
- Subject: [SA_scat] ATSAS version 2.5
- From: "Dmitri Svergun" <svergun@embl-hamburg.de>
- Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 15:42:38 +0100
Dear Small-Angle Scatterers, this message is to announce a new ATSAS release 2.5. The features of this release include: New programs ------------ * almerge - automated merging of curves, extrapolation to zero concentration * gasbormx - gasbor for mixtures * sasrefmx - sasref for mixtures Replaced programs ---------------- * autognom, replaced by datgnom (Windows only) * supcomb13, supcomb20, replaced by supcomb Removed programs ---------------- * gasboripar * supmon, supcomph Changes ------- * bugfixes in all programs * program names with version numbers got changed to their canonical names * CRYSOL now accepts NMR models and allows selection of chains, bugfixes * hollow ellipsoids as start volumes in DAMMIN, new command line options for units and anisometry * EOM: multiple pools in Gajoe, random coil/native like models in Ranch, multiple curve fitting * GNOM now accepts up to 5000 points in the input data and allows up to 256 points in the P(r) * interface upgrades for damaver, damclust and pdb2seq * performance improvements and interface upgrade for supcomb; now a single supcomb application * Qt versions of Primus/Sasplot: more plot types, drag-and-drop support, non-ascii-filenames, updates and fixes * updated Gnuplot syntax to support version 4.2 and later for GNOM and other programs using Gnuplot in non-Windows applications * many (not all yet) programs now output error messages to stderr, return non-null on error * sasdoc got integrated to the graphical Windows programs * manual updates to reflect changes in programs Notes ----- * Coral requires unzip to unpack the loop library * For graph output, GNUPLOT version 4.2 or later is required; Note: this version is not available on CentOS-5.x! * Due to Qt bug #23157 SASDOC does not work on Mac OS-10.6 * There is no package for Debian 6 any more, use the Ubuntu package instead ATSAS 2.5 is free for download for academic users from http://www.embl-hamburg.de/biosaxs/download.html If you have questions or problems using ATSAS, please post your queries to the forum: www.saxier.org/forum With best regards ATSAS Team _______________________________________________ sa_scat mailing list sa_scat@iucr.org http://mailman.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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