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[SA_scat] HERCULES school 2015
- To: sa_scat@iucr.org
- Subject: [SA_scat] HERCULES school 2015
- From: Gabel Frank <frank.gabel@ibs.fr>
- Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 13:00:09 +0200
Dear colleagues, I would like to announce next year's European HERCULES school on the applications of synchrotron and neutron scattering: http://hercules-school.eu/ It is a four-week theoretical and practical course that covers both basics and applications of synchrotron and neutron radiation. After a common introductory session, the course specializes into two sessions: * Session A: PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF CONDENSED MATTER * Session B: BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS * * Deadline for inscription is October 15th. Best regards, Frank Gabel (On behalf of the organizers) _______________________________________________ sa_scat mailing list sa_scat@iucr.org http://mailman.iucr.org/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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