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[SA_Scat] iNEXT workshop on Integrating X-ray crystallography andscattering together with Electron Microscopy
- To: sa_scat@iucr.org
- Subject: [SA_Scat] iNEXT workshop on Integrating X-ray crystallography andscattering together with Electron Microscopy
- From: Haydyn Mertens <hmertens@embl-hamburg.de>
- Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 17:20:27 +0100
Dear Colleagues,we hereby announce a 4-day workshop on Integrating X-ray crystallography andscattering together with Electron Microscopy. The course is funded by i-NEXT andwill be held at NOVA ITQB, Oeiras (nearby Lisbon), Portugal, May 2 to 5,2016. The course covers a multidisciplinary approach to study the structure ofchallenging proteins, focusing on membrane proteins and large complexes.The basic principles will be provided for each addressed technique(Macromolecular Crystallography, Small Angle Scattering and ElectronMicroscopy); their applications in biological systems, major benefits andlimitations will also be discussed. The Workshop is organized with lectures in the mornings followed byhands-on training. The course is aimed primarily at PhD students and youngPost-Doctoral researchers interested in Structural Biology. Confirmedspeakers are Jose Maria Carazo, Haydyn Mertens and Isabel de Moraes. Participants will be limited to 20. Candidate selection will be based on ashort CV, a motivation letter from the applicant, and a recommendationletter from the supervisor. Registration deadline is February 23. Please send your application tocombstruct2016@itqb.unl.pt <mailto:combstruct2016@itqb.unl.pt>. Registration fee is 180 Eur includingaccommodation. More information can be found athttp://www.itqb.unl.pt/combstruct2016 <http://www.itqb.unl.pt/combstruct2016> The Organizers,Margarida Archer, José A. Brito (ITQB-UNL) and Jose Maria Carazo (CNB-CSIC) --Dr Haydyn MertensSenior Technical OfficerBIOSAXS GroupEMBL HamburgNotkestrasse 85Hamburg, 22607Germanyt: +49 40 89902 179f: +49 40 89902 149e: hmertens@embl-hamburg.de _______________________________________________sa_scat mailing listsa_scat@iucr.orghttp://mailman.iucr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sa_scat
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